For my first official project for my new blog I decided on the Pollination Exploration project over at
pixel_trade. I got some pretty neat results and have a total of 18 aliens up for your downloading pleasure!
Featuring some really cool-looking sims made by
elecy, and
The first two sims to start off this pollination exploration are the beautiful Megran Oz by
bondchick_nett and the very hunky Vijay Gavinson by
slyndsey. They had three sproglets:
Kovas |
Bise |
Cysa(CC list and pic included)
These 3 aliens were then bred with Jay MacMillan made by
pinkishshades. And here's the results from those unions:
Perlys |
Jeceryl |
Emeris(CC list and pic included)
And those three were bred with Gagafan made by
rocking_kitty. Here's their babies all grown up:
Demeri |
Floria |
Lurian(CC list and pic included)
And those three were bred with Kaikan made by
elecy. Here's the aliens from those unions:
Murkl |
Zaerys |
Vailys (green skin twin) |
Saryl (blue skin twin)
(CC list and pic included)
And those four were bred with Macbeth made by
mjspice. Here's their "kids":
Beltus |
Ahryl |
Wenlydh |
Garrit (twin with hair) |
Terrus (bald twin)
(CC list and pic included)
And there we have it! What a fun little project. Don't mind all the maxis clothing, I haven't gotten around to downloading clothing yet...I'm still working on finding hair that I like, lol. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy these sims!