Title: Knowing
Author: Lady Wisiaden
Rating: K
Summary: Brian never doubted his love for Helga. The only one who ever needed convincing was Helga herself.
Pairings: Brainy/Helga
Warning: Minor kissing
Author's Note: Always wanted to write something with Briany and Helga...just couldn't find a way to go about it. And well, short piece is short piece. I'm not sure if I conveyed it well enough. It sounds rather sappy, and I'm not sure if I'm characterizing Brainy correctly, but oh well. This is set probably...in senior year of high school or in their college years. Obviously, Arnold is somewhere else or with someone else for the piece to be as it is. Well, happy reading of my botched attempt to capture a relationship between Brainy and Helga.
"Do you think you love me?" She asked. Her words were soft, quiet and heated as they always were.
"I know so," he solemnly declared.
Helga stared at him, and he stared back, unwillingly to back down. She didn't punch him as she would have in the past. Instead, she broke off into a torrid of words - an avalanche crashing down upon a lonely mountain side, and he was the sole recipient. And he wasn't mad. Instead, he was delighted. It thrilled Brian to his bones to be on the receiving end of her tirade. Even if it wasn't loving. Even if it wasn't anything but anger, despair and grief and everything complicated rolled into one raw jagged form because it was passionate. That touched him more than the words even if all she claimed to convey were by words. He kissed her. Briefly. A half second peck.
She slapped him.
"What the hell was that for?" Helga was practically hissing, and her blue eyes were dark at his impudence, for his daring.
"That was proof," he said. He pulled Helga flushed against his chest and kissed her again. She didn't protest. He'll like to think it was because she wanted him, but that was far too delusionary even for himself. She wanted to be distracted. He wouldn't let her. Brian broke the kiss, and she was looking up at him, out of breath and pink and lovely.
"I know so that I love you," he said. "My love for you is like your love for Arnold. I don't care if you believe it. Just know I'm here. Use me."
"I-", Helga faltered. "You know I'm selfish. I can't give you what you want."
Brian smiled. "I'll take whatever you can give me."
"I'm not…"Helga trailed off, unsure of how to word it. He knew, of course.
"Don't say it," he commanded.
"Do you think you love me?" She repeated her words from before. He laughed.
"Darling, you only want me to say it multiple times, don't you? I love you. I love you. I love you. I absolutely love you, Miss Helga Geraldine Pataki."
This time she kissed him. It wasn't exactly what he wanted, but then again Brian never got what he wanted anyway. That was fine. That was fine for him.
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