Title: Chasing Red Robin (part two - Wildflowers and Ivy)
Author: Wisia
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the DC universe.
Rating: K
Verse: Worship/Chasing Red Robin/Bat Seal of Approval
Summary: Contrary to belief, Kon didn’t fall for Red Robin at first sight. It wasn’t even an option. Worship Verse! Robin Reversal AU!
Characters/Pairings: Tim/Kon
Secondary Characters: Poison Ivy
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: This is from Kon’s point of view in the Worship Verse. And yeah…this was majorly difficult to write for me. And well, try and enjoy it anyway if you could.
One day Kon was going to die with a face full of Kryptonite, but today was not that day. Because Red Robin still didn’t know that Kon had lied that day in Gotham, and Kon was still lying, continuing the ruse of being the ultimate Red Robin fanboy. It was surprisingly more fun than Kon expected even with the serious deterrent of shiny green rocks.
“Hey Al!” Kon called out once he spotted Red Robin. He grinned to himself when he heard Red Robin sighed really quietly. And don’t think for a second that Kon believed that was Red Robin’s real name. He wasn’t that dumb though he feels kind of icky thinking about CADMUS and Luthor’s contribution to the fact. The man was a bat, and Dick was something else. He couldn’t understand how he could belong to the bats. Actually, if Kon thought about it, that was a horrible name. Alvin? Seriously? That was either a snot nose brat or a chipmunk.
“Hello Superboy,” Red Robin responded tonelessly and, oh yeah, the man twitched. Kon was becoming the God of Making Red Robin Twitch, Sigh and Cringed whenever he came near. Kon cracked his lips into his widest smile and brandished an extremely large bouquet of wildflowers in front of Red Robin’s face.
“Fresh picked from the farm,” Kon proclaimed proudly. They were. Though Kon cheated using his TTK to unearth a mass of them. In fact, he got an entire ton of them and managed to convince Dick to stow them in Red Robin’s room. He’ll have to remember to ask Dick for footage of the man’s reaction.
“Superboy,” and there was the exasperation bleeding through Red Robin’s voice. Kon made his eyes go wide and innocent.
“You don’t like wildflowers? But I-“
“No,” Red Robin cut him off. Cue in the dramatic guilt, and Red Robin took the flowers from Kon. Kon looked at him expectedly. Red Robin sighed and gingerly sniffed the flowers.
“They’re lovely.”
“Glad you agree,” and Kon floated off the ground. “Do I get a kiss?”
And Red Robin’s expression seemed to go even more blank.
“Why not? I got you flowers.”
Kon edged into Red Robin’s personal space. With that, Red Robin was rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“We’re not even dating,” he said flatly.
“Pft-what do you call this?” Kon waved his hand between them, indicating the flowers and their proximity.
“You are seriously underage,” Red Robin replied.
“And you,” Kon shot back with a grin, “should stop playing hard to get.”
“Superboy,” Red Robin warned.
“Call me Kon. You know how to say it.”
Kon winked and flew off before Red Robin could pull out any toys. He wasn’t stupid. Seriously. Messing with Red Robin did have its limits.
“I’m sorry,” Kon wailed loudly. He clutched Red Robin tightly. Red Robin pushed and shoved, unable to get out of Kon’s sudden octopus arms and wandering TTK. “I’m really sorry!”
They just had an encounter with Poison Ivy, and Kon couldn’t help but follow her. And he totally did and didn’t appreciate the fist full of Kryptonite. Who knew it would be like that? Still, in spite of everything, Kon couldn’t resist turning it into an opportunity to mess with Red Robin some more.
“It’s fine.” Red Robin patted him awkwardly on the back. Kon hid the grin erupting on his face in Red Robin’s neck. “It’s not okay! I didn’t mean to cheat on you!”
Red Robin sighed and turned the awkward pat into an up and down rubbing motion.
“You didn’t cheat on me. Poison Ivy’s pollens didn’t make you cheat on me. You didn’t have control of your mind.”
Red Robin was amazingly good at comforting. Kon didn’t even think Red Robin knew how to either. Then again, he had Robin to watch over after all.
Kon gasped out a giant fake sob. “But I kissed her!”
And it was a pretty good kiss too.
“It’s not--,” Red Robin began. Then, he paused and muttered quietly. Kon caught it anyway. Hooray for Super ears.
“I’m going to regret this.”
Red Robin swiftly pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“It’s not your fault,” Red Robin said firmly. And Kon released him in genuine shock. Red Robin quickly moved his hands to the front of his chest, thankful for the increased amount of personal space. “And if you think that, I’ll clobber you over the head. Okay?”
Kon was seriously impressed. Who knew Red Robin had it in him for that? Taking down the League of Assassins-whatever. Kissing a guy on the forehead when the guy was really just pretending and playing around even if he didn’t know it-wow.
“I love you,” Kon declared, goofy smile on his lips and entirely sincere. “Seriously.”
Red Robin just sighed.