contribution log

Mar 27, 2012 13:24

[001] 27. March 2012: submitted icons  for week 355 at clamp_icontest; wishes01, ougi11 and fto12.
[002] 27. March 2012: submitted icons for week 151 at title_awards; grin18, celes03 and loyal20
[003] 27. March 2012: submitted icons for week 80 at animanga_itest ; beer03, robot01, gurren17 and angel15
[004] 29. March 2012: submitted banners for week 169 at banner_contest; battousai08 and persocom03
[005] 29.March 2012: submitted set for round 5at clamp20in20; B-certificate, adopted09, protect16, pokedex61 
[006] 31.March 2012: voted for week 151 at title_awards; snow06
[007] 31.March 2012: voted for week 80 at animanga_itest; owls03
[008] 31.March 2012: voted for week 16 at ff_creation; crusnik02
[009] 31.March 2012: voted for week 390 at inuawards; bloom01
[010] 31.March 2012: voted for week 211 at la_corda_itest; battousai11
[011] 31.March 2012: voted for week 270 at sesshy_icontest; pipe16
[012] 1.April 2012: voted for week 169 at banner_contest; hair06 and dexter28
[013] 1.April 2012: voted for week 355 at clamp_icontest; soldier19
[014] 1.April 2012: submitted icons for week 271 at sesshy_icontest; saturn02, quest54, dolls08
[015] 1.April 2012: shared colored manga page at manga_colors; gotei04, buster19, emo15, drink09, dexter04 and pokedex104
[016] 2.April 2012: voted for week 138 at itachi_icontest; hanyou08
[017] 2.April 2012: shared icons at manga_colors; ougi07, snow10, robot09, light05, talismans03 and protect12
[018] 2.April 2012: submitted banners for week 170 at banner_contest; guard01, rooster01, dolls14, hanyou05
[019] 2.April 2012: submitted icons for week 17 at ff_creation; money10, guns05, spira04, and fto08
[000] 2.April 2012: placed 1st for week80 at animanga_itest; guns18, photos01
[020] 3.April 2012: submitted icons for week 81 at animanga_itest; jupiter10, trainer14, punisher04 and ise02
[021] 4.April 2012: submitted icons for week 152 at title_awards; money17, trigger15 and trigger05
[022] 4.April 2012: submitted icons for week 356 at clamp_icontest; wishes02, pitcher04 and prey17
[023] 5.April 2012: shared a colored manga page at manga_colors; lost02, snow02, slayer15, cute06, pewter06 and pan42
[024] 5.April 2012: shared a colored manga page at manga_colors; dexter34, chaos14, catholic05, shadow07, bomb01 and rat19
[025] 6.April 2012: voted for round 27 at anime20in20; key01 and crossover13
[026] 6.April 2012: shared icons at manga_colors; guns16, disney14, copy12, chibi03, animals10 and fto03
[027] 6.April 2012: submitted icons for week 139 at itachi_icontest; saturn17, tiger07, rekka24, and assistant14
[028] 7.April 2012: voted for week 356 at clamp_icontest; angel15
[029] 7.April 2012: voted for week 17 at ff_creation; heavy07
[030] 7.April 2012: voted for week 391 at inuawards; uranus18
[031] 7.April 2012: voted for week 212 at la_corda_itest; chaos18
[032] 7.April 2012: voted for week 271 at sesshy_icontest; love04
[033] 7.April 2012: shared a colored manga page at manga_colors; gundam04, illegal08, mercury01, ward09, digidestined13 and dwma10
[034] 7.April 2012: voted for week 81 at animanga_itest; gamuza18
[035] 9.April 2012: voted for week 152 at title_awards; peach17
[036] 9.April 2012: submitted icons for week 213 at la_corda_itest; solar03, dove11, gay07 and crossover01
[037] 9.April 2012: submitted icons for week 272 at sesshy_icontest; saturn05, maids01, and pokedex149
[038] 9.April 2012: submitted icons for week 18 at ff_creation ; seiryu16, beloved12, neptune12, animals02
[039] 9.April 2012: voted for week 139 at itachi_icontest; assistant10
[040] 9.April 2012: submitted icons for week 357 at clamp_icontest; wishes14, pokedex120, attack!03
[000] 10.April 2012: placed 3rd for week 152 at title_awards ; shield01
[041] 11.April 2012: submitted icons for week 82 at animanga_itest; prey08, jellopy47, psynergy01, objection14
[042] 12.April 2012: shared icons at manga_colors; evolve11, trigger07, knives10, sadist05, celes08 and chibi04
[000] 12.April 2012: placed for week 139 at itachi_icontest; biceps09, gay06 and prey07
[043] 12.April 2012: submitted icons for week 140 at itachi_icontest; protect18, magic02, spear13, sandrock19
[044] 12.April 2012:  made banners for cb_overflow; heavy10, pipe05, emo09, guide18 and lunar16
[045] 13.April 2012: submitted icons for week 153 at title_awards; lost04, hin11, fto05
[046] 13.April 2012: shared icons at manga_colorsa; pokedex68, adopted06, guide01, rayearth06, bite11, seiryu05
[047] 14.April 2012: submitted set for round 28 at anime20in20; dexter27, moon10, quest08 + certificate B
[048] 14.April 2012: voted for week 357 at clamp_icontest; advisor11
[050] 14.April 2012: voted for week 18 at ff_creation; ishval20
[051] 14.April 2012: voted for week 213 at la_corda_itest; wishes12
[052] 14.April 2012: voted for week 272 at sesshy_icontest; griever04
[053] 14.April 2012: voted for round 5 at clamp20in20; fanelia12 and usagi13
[054] 14.April 2012: made banners at cb_overflow; legend07 and disney13
[055] 14.April 2012: voted for week 153 at title_awards; dexter43
[056] 14.April 2012: voted for week 170 at banner_contesta; guide12 and burn11
[057] 15.April 2012: voted for week 82 at animanga_itest; dexter21
[000] 15.April 2012: placed for week 213 at la_corda_itest; diamond07
[000] 15.April 2012:  placed SC for week 213 at la_corda_itest; ashes20
[000] 16.April 2012: placed for week 357 at clamp_icontest; peach09 and beloved10
[000] 18.April 2012: placed for week 153 at title_awards; hunter15
[000] 18.April 2012: placed for week 153 at title_awards; design19
[000] 18.April 2012: placed for round 5 at clamp20in20; magic03, fridge07, animals04, assistant19, souen01, priest08, zangan13
[058] 21.April 2012: voted for week 140 at itachi_icontest; april06
[000] 21.April 2012: placed for week 140 at itachi_icontest; evolve01, relative15, maids08
[059] 22.April 2012: shared at manga_colors; pipe02, sharingan03, nobodies06, dancer17, mirror05, spell17
[060] 22.April 2012: made banners for cb_overflow; talisman04, jenova18, peach19, gamuza03, byakugan03
[061] 22.April 2012: submitted icons for week 273 at sesshy_icontest; protect10, adopted13, advisor07
[062] 22. April 2012: voted for week 273 at sesshy_icontest; emo18 
[063] 22.April 2012: submitted icons for week 213 at la_corda_itest; cuffs12, jellopy68, dove11 and producer07
[064] 22.April 2012: voted for week 213 at la_corda_itest; magic12
[065] 22.April 2012: submitted banners for banner_contest; battosai12, rooster19, usagi10, magic15
[066] 23.April 2012: submitted icons for week 358 at clamp_icontest; protect15, gamuza06, tiger07
[067] 23.April 2012: voted for week 358 at  clamp_icontest; money15
[000] 23.April 2012: placed for week 358 at clamp_icontest; dexter33
[068] 24.April 2012: submitted icons for week 19 at ff_creation; copy11, toad16, steel20, unlucky18
[069] 24.April 2012: voted for week 19 at ff_creation; fayth09
[070] 24.April 2012: submitted icons for week 154 at title_awards; shogi02, destiny75, quest34
[071] 24.April 2012: voted for week 154 at title_awards; alchemy05
[000] 24.April 2012: placed for week 154 at title_awards; hachi07, deceit05, sorry12
[072] 25.April 2012: voted for week 171 at banner_contest; seiryu19, revenge09
[000] 25.April 2012: placed for week 171 at banner_contest; gemini08, mars12
[073] 25.April 2012: submitted icons for week 141 at itachi_icontest; protect02, loveless06, biceps05, medic03
[074] 25.April 2012: voted for week 141 at itachi_icontest; talismans15
[000] 25.April 2012: placed for week 141 at itachi_icontest; pokedex17, bicpes16, uranus15
[075] 26.April 2012: submitted icons for week 83 at animanga_itest; robot11, neko09, nya01, ballet13
[076] 26.April 2012: voted for week 83 at animanga_itest; at08
[077] 30.April 2012: submitted icons for week 215 at la_corda_itest; moon07, chibi13, liek07, snake02
[078] 30.April 2012: submitted icons for week 274 at sesshy_icontest; gay09, jenova01
[079] 30.April 2012: submitted icons for week 20 at ff_creation; bossy07, cephiro18, distant16, onigiri16
[080] 1.May 2012: submitted icons for week 359 at clamp_icontest; evolve04, guide17, water01
[000] 1.May 2012: placed for week 215 at la_corda_itest; make-up13
[000] 1.May 2012: placed for week 84 at animanga_itest; guide04, toad10
[081] 2.May 2012: voted for round 28 at anime20in20; guns16, pitcher13
[082] 2.May 2012: submitted icons for week 155 at title_awards; spell13, feathers06, kailu16
[000] 2.May 2012: placed for week 155 at title_awards; pokedex147
[083] 5.May 2012: submitted for week 84 at animanga_itest; pewter10, zangan07, 11th20, dies03
[084] 5.May 2012: submitted for week 142 at itachi_icontest; evolve05, shinra08, mage02, sandrock17
[085] 5.May 2012: voted for week 142 at itachi_icontest; drink05
[000] 7.May 2012: placed for week 142 at itachi_icontest; jupiter15, objection12
[086] 7.May 2012: submitted for week 21 at ff_creation; materia14, pluto04, indigo14, usagi14
[087] 7.May 2012: voted for week 21 at ff_creation; water04
[088] 7.May 2012: submitted for week 216 at la_corda_itest; armor04, at04, spell04, strike04
[089] 7.May 2012: voted for week 216 at la_corda_itest; 10th18
[090] 7.May 2012: submitted for week 275 at sesshy_icontest; april16, tiger14, design09
[091] 7.May 2012: voted for week 275 at sesshy_icontest;dice14
[000] 7.May 2012: place for week 216 at la_corda_itest; lock03, dexter81
[092] 7.May 2012: submitted for week 360 at clamp_icontest; april13, bad15, shuusaku05
[093] 7.May 2012: voted for week 360 at clamp_icontest; hair14
[000] 7.May 2012: placed for week 360 at clamp_icontest; bure05
[094] 8.May 2012: submitted for week 85 at animanga_itest; battousai14, kyuubi08, biceps05, truth18
[095] 8.May 2012: voted for icon royal at animanga_itest; guide05
[096] 8.May 2012: voted for week 85 at animanga_itest; sharingan15
[000] 8.May 2012: placed for icon royal at animanga_itest; byakugan19
[000] 8.May 2012: placed for week 85 at animanga_itest; copy05
[097] 9.May 2012: submitted set for round 6 at clamp20in20; certificate B, adopted10, gotei06, ougi14
[098] 11.May 2012: submitted for week 156 at title_awards; beloved19, monkey09, engaged18
[099] 11.May 2012: voted for week 156 at title_awards; sorry07
[000] 11.May 2012: placed for week 156 at title_awards; dancer01, pantera03, memory11
[100] 13.May 2012: submitted set for round 29 at anime20in20; certificate B, bloom04, kyuubi15, maids07
[101] 13.May 2012: submitted for week 276 at sesshy_icontest; angel01, design18, puu19
[102] 13.May 2012: voted for week 276 at sesshy_icontest; jellopy76
[103] 13.May 2012: submitted for week 217 at la_corda_itest; pan44, jailbait10, ballet16, limbs09
[104] 13.May 2012: voted for week 217 at la_corda_itest; dexter30
[000] 13.May 2012: placed for week 217 at la_corda_itest; fto06, priest02, teeth20, dragon16
[105] 14.May 2012: submitted for week 172 at banner_contest; guns10, ward05, guard13 and assistant09
[106] 14.May 2012: voted for week 172 at banner_contest; dexter48, jellopy82
[107] 14.May 2012: voted for week 31 at vgicontest; cherry04
[000] 14.May 2012: placed for week 22 at ff_creation; catcher20
[108] 15.May 2012: submitted for week 32 at vgicontest; attack!06, jenova04, sharingan12, pokedex38, typhoon18
[109] 15.May 2012: submitted for week 22 at ff_creation: monkey04, jupiter07, zero03, play14
[110] 15.May 2012: voted for week 22 at ff_creation: future08
[111] 15.May 2012: submitted for week 157 at title_awards; loveless16, ishval07, diamond16
[112] 15.May 2012: voted for week 157 at title_awards; dexter07
[000] 16.May 2012: placed for week 172 at banner_contest; key02, rekka37
[113] 17.May 2012:   made banners for cb_overflow; resonance04, gamuza07, future04, ishval09, mirror07
[000] 17.May 2012: placed for week 157 at title_awards; pipe04, sky05, saturn19, summon19
[114] 19.May 2012: made banners for cb_overflow; tiger12, gambler06
[115] 20.May 2012: submitted for week 173 at banner_contest; contract08, legend08, xxxg08, medic14
[116] 20.May 2012: voted for week 173 at banner_contest; pluto18, rayearth11
[117] 21.May 2012: submitted for week 277 at sesshy_icontest; maids04, weapon17
[118] 21.May 2012: voted for week 277 at sesshy_icontest; water18 
[119] 21.May 2012: submitted for week 23 at ff_creation; guide18, jellopy53, distant20, destiny42
[120] 21.May 2012: voted for week 23 at ff_creation; crusnik06
[121] 21.May 2012: voted for week 217 at la_corda_itest; zero06
[122] 21.May 2012: voted for week 218 at la_corda_itest; bure09
[123] 22.May 2012: submitted for week 143 at itachi_icontest; copy01, awake12, cuffs06, swallow11
[124] 22.May 2012: voted for week 143 at itachi_icontest; jupiter18
[125] 22.May 2012: submitted for week 32 at vgicontest; gemini18, assistant16, souen28, mental16
[126] 22.May 2012: voted for week 32 at vgicontest; usagi16
[127] 22.May 2012: submitted for week 361 at clamp_icontest; angel03, seiryu06, tongue07
[128] 22.May 2012: voted for week 361 at clamp_icontest; vision08
[000] 22.May 2012: placed for week 361 at clamp_icontest; certificate C, assistant09, novelist17, charriot02
[000] 23.May 2012: placed for week 172 at banner_contest; guide10, talismans12
[129] 23.May 2012: made banner for cb_overflow; biceps05, fuuin28
[130] 24.May 2012: contributed at manga_colors; sandrock11, steel09, dexter69, resonance11, puu03, growl06
[131] 27.May 2012: submitted for week 159 at title_awards; quest43, alchemy11, vision17
[132] 27.May 2012: voted for week 158 attitle_awards; dolls14
[000] 27.May 2012: placed for week 158 at title_awards; priest20
[133] 27.May 2012: voted for round 29 at anime20in20; usagi10, coffie04
[134] 27.May 2012: submitted for week 278 at sesshy_icontest; 10th02, bite20, solar08
[135] 27.May 2012: voted for week 278 atsesshy_icontestt; dies18
[136] 27.May 2012: submitted for week 219 atla_corda_itestt; catholic05, limbs16, chaos07, shinra08
[137] 27.May 2012: voted for week 219 atla_corda_itestt; pluto15
[000] 27.May 2012: placed for week 144 atitachi_icontest; tiger16, animals07
[000] 27.May 2012: placed for week 86 at animanga_itest; assistant19
[138] 28.May 2012: submitted for week 145 at itachi_icontest; copy03, buster11, quest50, black12
[139] 29.May 2012: made banners for cb_overflow; pokedex36, pokedex93, peach02, tiger15, talismans04
[140] 29.May 2012: voted for round 6 at clamp20in20; chibi08, visor07
[000] 29.May 2012: placed for round 6 atclamp20in200; colonel07, strong03, cephiro06, warrior15
[141] 29.May 2012: voted for week 144 atitachi_icontestt; beer14
[142] 29.May 2012: submitted for week 33 at vgicontest; pokedex82, pokedex108, hunter11, spira14, chibi07
[143] 29.May 2012: voted for week 33 atvgicontestt; homicide12
[000] 31.May 2012: entered hall of bronze attitle_awardss; certificate C, heavy09, pokedex126, memory20, frown16, flame16
[000] 31.May 2012: placed for week 159 at title_awards; plum,14, advisor10, engaged02
[144] 31.May 2012: voted for week 159 at title_awards; visor20
[145] 31.May 2012: submitted for week 159 at title_awards; windam03, squirrel14, knight13
[146] 3.June 2012: submitted for round 07 at clamp20in20; certificate B, hunter01, fayth06, rose20
[147] 3.June 2012: submitted for week 24 at ff_creation; jenova13, seiryu14, pipe20, mercury14
[148] 3.June 2012: voted for week 24 at ff_creation; heart01
[149] 3.June 2012: made banners at cb_overflow; dexter50, feathers09, four10, armor06, advisor08
[150] 3.June 2012: submitted for week 86 at animanga_itest; pokedex53, steel17, ashes13, bloom07
[151] 3.June 2012: voted for week 86 at animanga_itest; genrou11
[152] 4.June 2012: submitted for week 145 at itachi-icontest; guide06, gemini10, gambler11, viola11
[153] 4.June 2012: voted for week 145 at itachi-icontest; growl07
[000] 4.June 2012: placed for week 145 at itachi-icontest; drink17, key14, lock13, wizard05
[154] 4.June 2012: submitted for round 30 at anime20in20; B certificate, pokedex73, armor03, fridge04
[155] 4.June 2012: submitted for week 220 at la-corda-itest; engaged02, fox11, jellopy71, wishes04
[156] 4.June 2012: voted for week 220 at la-corda-itest; moon01
[157] 4.June 2012: submitted for week 279 at sesshy-icontest; guide09, ishval05, mirror06
[158] 4.June 2012: voted for week 279 at sesshy-icontest; dexter88
[159] 4.June 2012: voted for week 174 at banner-contest; chibi05, ishval04
[000] 4.June 2012: placed for week 220 at la-corda-itest; pokedex106, drink08
[160] 4.June 2012: submitted for week 360 at clamp-icontest; guide11, dexter71, bad12
[161] 4.June 2012: voted for week 360 at clamp-icontest; little06
[162] 5.June 2012: voted for week 34 at vgicontest; shogi17
[163] 5.June 2012: voted for week 25 at ff-creation: gambler01
[000] 5.June 2012: placed for week 25 at ff-creation; kailu07
[164] 5.June 2012: submitted for week 25 at ff-creation; celes03, copy02, resist08, splat02
[165] 7.June 2012: submitted for week 87 at animanga-itest; symmetry16, purity08, axe16, returners04
[166] 7.June 2012: voted for week 87 at animanga-itest; limbs10
[167] 7.June 2012: submitted for week 160 at title-awards; ise04, priest03, gene19
[168] 7.June 2012: voted for week 160 at title-awards; mental18
[000] 7.June 2012: placed  for week 160 at title-awards; plumber13, usagi12
[169] 13.June 2012: submitted for week 363 at clamp-icontest; moon08, medic07, indigo13
[170] 13.June 2012: voted for week 363 at clamp-icontest; puu02
[171] 13.June 2012: submitted for week 26 at ff-creation; cherry10, zero14, shift06, typhoon03
[172] 13.June 2012: voted for week 26 at ff-creation; gambler13
[000] 13.June 2012: placed for week 26 at ff-creation; bite02
[173] 13.June 2012: submitted for week 35 at vgicontest; disney13, beer04, frown10, gnome16, white14
[174] 13.June 2012: voted for week 35 at vgicontest; magician17
[175] 13.June 2012: submitted for week 221 at la-corda-itest; ishval08, rooster16, dexter87, hat19
[176] 13.June 2012: voted for week 221 at la-corda-itest; hin17
[177] 13.June 2012: submitted for week 280 at sesshy-icontest; adopted17, rayearth20, weapon02
[178] 13.June 2012: voted for week 280 at sesshy-icontest; fridge11
[000] 18.June 2012: placed for week week 27 at ff-creation; alchemy07
[179] 18.June 2012: submitted for week 146 at itachi-icontest; adopted14, engaged10, symetry06
[180] 18.June 2012: voted for week 146 at itachi-icontest; teeth16
[000] 18.June 2012: placed for week 146 at itachi-icontest; puu07, dog15
[181] 18.June 2012: submitted for week 222 at la-corda-itest; rooster12, gambler03, ishval12, engaged12
[182] 18.June 2012: voted for week 222 at la-corda-itest; dice13
[183] 18.June 2012: submitted for week 281 at sesshy-icontest; adopted03, steel11, uranus03
[184] 18.June 2012: voted for week 281 at sesshy-icontest; rooster04
[185] 18.June 2012: submitted for week 161 at title-awards; neptune19, key10, lunar19
[186] 18.June 2012: voted for week 161 at title-awards; flame07
[000] 18.June 2012: placed for week 161 at title-awards; chibi18, pluto01, beloved18
[187] 18.June 1012: submitted for week 175 at banner-contest; monkey12, hat14, plumber18, 13th07 
[188] 18.June 2012: voted for week 175 at banner-contest; tiger07, homicide09
[000] 18.June 2012: placed for week 364 at clamp-icontest; toad12
[000] 19.June 2012: placed for week 147 at itachi-icontest; ward06, bunter08, occult01
[189] 19.June 2012: submitted for week 36 at vgicontest; doll18, returners06, shenlong19, ashes13, snake10
[190] 19.June 2012: voted for week 36 at vgicontest; dexter25
[191] 20.June 2012: submitted for week 364 at clamp-icontest; adopted04, persocom08, plum11
[192] 20.June 2012: voted for week 364 at clamp-icontest; biceps02
[193] 20.June 2012: submitted for week 27 at ff-creation; robot12, yanki17, japan05, dragon12
[194] 20.June 2012: voted for week 27 at ff-creation; beloved03
[000] 21.June 2012: p laced for week 148 at itachi-icontest; dexter83, split02, symmetry17, wizard09
[000] 21.June 2012: placed for week 175 at banner-contest; chibi11, triforce02
[000] 21.June 2012: placed for week 36 at vgicontest; hin08
[195] 22.June 2012: submitted for week 147 at itachi-icontest; magician18, catholic01, assistant16, mage04
[196] 22.June 1012: submitted for week 148 at itachi-icontest; magician10, pokedex14, dexter97, spira02
[197] 22.June 2012: voted for week 147 at itachi-icontest; dagger12
[198] 22.June 2012: voted for week 148 at itachi-icontest; ginryuu06
[199] 22.June 2012: voted for round 7 at clamp20in20; tongue02, duck20
[200] 30.June 2012: submitted for week 149 at itachi-icontest; bite12, make-up09, summon18, strahl12

!contribution log

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