Day 12 . Supply, Demand, and Zauberer . Grimm x Harry Potter

Dec 18, 2012 21:55

Title: Supply, Demand, and Zauberer
Author: jedibuttercup
Disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not
Rating: PG-ish
Prompt/Prompter: for treppie: Severus Snape & Rosalee Calvert, "Severus had found it annoyingly difficult to find a reliable supplier on this side of the Atlantic."
Spoilers: Sometime post-1.15 "Island of Dreams" for Grimm; Post-series for HP
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author: jedibuttercup, rating: pg, pairing: gen, fandom: grimm, fanfiction, crossover, fandom: harry potter

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jedibuttercup December 26 2012, 19:33:03 UTC
Glad you enjoyed the fic!

I figured when I was writing this that if Snape didn't want anyone in Britain to know he was alive-- then relocating to Europe would be little better than staying at home, and he couldn't go back for any of his stuff. As for the details, well. Maybe more later, as usual? =)


dharkapparition December 20 2012, 00:48:55 UTC
Whoo!!! Yay for Rosalee. I miss her!


jedibuttercup December 26 2012, 19:33:51 UTC
I think I remember hearing somewhere that the actress was pregnant and it was way too early in her character's relationship with Monroe for that to be a factor? She'll be back. *crossing fingers*

Anyway. Glad you enjoyed the story!


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