Title: Like a Storm of Lions
jedibuttercupDisclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not
Rating: PG-15
hiddencait, who asked for: "Riddick + Grimm. Mostly I'm thinking Riddick as some kind of a Wesen, though damned if I know what kind. That or hell, maybe Jack is or Riddick adopts a more animalistic Wesen (because we know he's got a thing
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Comments 8
But yeah, this turned out awesome! Thanks again for indulging my ficcy whims!
All of which is to say, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!!
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This is one of those that I definitely read to myself several times for audio/visual clarity - glad that came through so well for you. Vin Diesel just has this tendency to hit me in the id with his action movies, I guess ... *coughs*
Oh, and the Quercy thing? True story: a long, long time ago I needed to come up with a were-form for Ronon Dex, in a story in which he met Oz. I kind of have this head-canon for Pegasus languages, where since Ancient is an ancestor of Latin, and the Pegasus Ancients lit off earth however-many millions of years ago, then whichever animals were around that long ago? Not a stretch to think Latinate wordforms for them might be recognizable! So I looked up catlike creatures in the long-long ago fossil record, and found the false saber-tooths! I picked the Nimravus for ( ... )
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Do a little dance
make a little love
get down tonight...
As always, brilliant melding
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