Day 2: three questions - BtVS/Walking Dead - Gen

Dec 24, 2014 15:57

title: three questions
rating: FR13
disclaimer: BtVS and all related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon and ME. The Walking Dead and all related characters are copyright of Robert Kirkman, Image Comics and AMC. No infringement intended.
prompt: jedibuttercup/BtVS, Walking Dead/“Buffy, at least, as many of the other Scoobies and the WD cast as you want. ( Read more... )

rating: pg-13, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: walking dead, author: avamclean, crossover

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Comments 2

bradsan January 6 2015, 08:16:42 UTC
I read this several times. Still love it.

Hope you make another one. Those people won't know what hit them with those two. One moment they are quarreling and the other moment they act like nothing is wrong and laughing like nothing happens.


avamclean January 6 2015, 17:25:34 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I've never really thought of the Summers women as any different from regular sisters when it comes to their interaction. Perhaps to those only children they'd seem odd, but to me they were perfectly normal. :)


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