Title: it all has to end sometime
jedibuttercupDisclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not
Rating: R/Mature
hiddencait, who asked for: "Pacific Rim/Riddickverse - To fight monsters, they needed monsters."
Spoilers: Pre-"Pacific Rim"; fusion with all Riddick canon
Notes: Please note, this is a sepia-toned take on Pacific Rim, in tune
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Comments 5
Also, can I just say that I LOVE the Vaakos as death cultists who are just pissed the apocalypse is screwing up their time line. And oh holy did you save Caroline at the end there to pair her up in a Jaeger with Dahl? Cuz I am TOTALLY behind that!
I did want to include Vaako somehow though, because Karl Urban, and because all that emphasis on Due Time made me snicker when I thought about it; and if I was taking Boss away from Dahl, I thought I might as well save another of the fandom's tough chicks to pair her with. :)
I honestly have a hard time shipping Riddick with most of the characters from the series honestly - all of them ring false to me for some reason or another. I know a lot of people go the Jack/Kyra route, but half the time I think Kyra/Vaako could be far more interesting as a pairing lol. Otherwise, Riddick tends to crossship for me. (LOL complete surprise to you right?)
And Karl Urban is always his own excuse. And yeah, Dahl and Caroline could be fantastic working or "working" together. I suddenly want a fixit fic that goes that route. Too many plot bunnies - not enough time lol.
I do like Vaako, but; the extended scenes from the 2013 movie made it really clear he's a True Believer, and that just doesn't mesh with Riddick's worldview. At all. And there was just so much more charge in Boss Johns' up in your face moments with Riddick!
I wanted Raleigh in this; but the timeline didn't favor it, and it would have distracted from the meat of the story. Maybe later. Because I do also have ideas about Jack, Chuck, and Mako, who are probably all twelve to fourteenish in this part of the timeline ...? *grin*
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