Title: Spur of the Moment Author: Veleda Fandom: Yami no Matsuei Pairing: Tsuzuki/Hisoka Written For: measuringlifeWordcount: 300 (French kiss
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dude! this was fast, I didn't even get to fangirl you yet for taking it on ;;! but, anyways, this is utterly adorable, I give a general Saya & Yuma-esque flailing squee in your direction ♥
“If I kiss you again, will you shut up!?”
Tsuzuki paused, thought this over, and then nodded cheerfully. seriously, omg, cutest thing ever ♥
I'm more incoherent than usual because I stayed up late to finish the entire damn volume of Dante's Inferno. And my head hurts from it, and the likely dissertation that is to follow.
:DDD I'm so glad you wrote it, I needed a good fluffy fic after today ♥
actually, I've read harder things (yes, Faulkner, I am looking at you) The Divine Comedy is actually one of the better of the classics I've read. Also, you should try this translation when you finally do read it
Comments 12
Tsuzuki paused, thought this over, and then nodded cheerfully.
Thought it over. Yeah.... Tsuzuki: the perfect covert schemer ;-D
Hearts in the eyes and Tatsumi's small smile--such delicious detail. Thanks for the treat!
He totally is.
Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Man, I need another Tsusoka icon.
“If I kiss you again, will you shut up!?”
Tsuzuki paused, thought this over, and then nodded cheerfully.
seriously, omg, cutest thing ever ♥
I'm more incoherent than usual because I stayed up late to finish the entire damn volume of Dante's Inferno. And my head hurts from it, and the likely dissertation that is to follow.
Yeesh, that sounds unpleasant. I haven't read The Divine Comedy, but it's on the "list of books I intend to read...someday."
actually, I've read harder things (yes, Faulkner, I am looking at you) The Divine Comedy is actually one of the better of the classics I've read. Also, you should try this translation when you finally do read it
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