Sign-Up Post

Jan 23, 2007 08:48

Sorry for the delay, folks. Yesterday knocked me for a loop.

This is the post where you comment with your requests for kisses. Please comment in the following format:

Fandom (Pairing)

So, for example:

GetBackers (Juubei/Toshiki/Kazuki)

Following are the rules for requests:

1. All fandoms are welcome, including RPF. Crossovers are also allowed.

2. Het, slash, and hetslash are all welcome.

3. Only post one request at a time.

4. Do not post a second request until you have fulfilled someone else's request.

5. When posting subsequent requests, please select fandoms/pairings you've not already requested.

6. When claiming a request, comment to the request stating that you're claiming it, and whether you're doing fic or art.

7. Only claim one request at a time.

8. Post your fic or art in the community as a separate post. Use cut-tags for large art or explicit content. Please use the following format:

Subject: For (requester's name): Fandom (pairing)

Written For:
Author's Notes:


9. You can fulfill a request that has already been claimed, but this does not count toward making another request of your own.

10. Requests can be made until midnight PST on February 14th, 2007.

11. All kisses are due by midnight PST on February 15th, 2007.

12. There are two fic formats you can use for this community: the kiss, which is exactly 250 words, and the French kiss, which is exactly 300 words.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask for clarification. You can start claiming requests as soon as you see one you like.

admin, sign-up post

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