Title: Eleven things Sungmin regrets and the one thing he doesn't
Theme: #100 Regrets
Character(s): Super Junior
Pairing(s): Sungmin x Everybody
Author: Me
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating(s): PG; 1715 words
Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own them.
A/N: Second SJ fanfic.. Hmm.. I was bored, and I wanted to write, but I guess this is a fail!fic. =/ I'm
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Comments 14
I still have problems picturing why Yesung wouldn't be a regret though. :)
At the start, Sungmin was either trying to make the relationships work or he needed someone there. He doesn't regret Yesung because he loves him more than the rest. (Yesung gives him more security than the rest.) Or I might just be biased to write it that way. Hehe.
Hmm.. Maybe you could picture this: Sungmin has been finding for the one and has been attempting relationships in order to do so. There was only a short attraction at first - but soon, he relied on them too much. Breakups occurred when one party began to feel that the other did not understand/the relationship was not working well. Being lost, Sungmin needed someone there for him, and he wanted to be there for someone too. Sungmin regrets his old relationships because he didn't really try to make it work, or didn't feel that much about them. He only did it to find someone special. However, there came Yesung, being that one for him while the others didn ( ... )
Err, sorry, I made you think I was some airhead that couldn't understand while I really just attempted to make a joke.... -_-" I failed.
Yehsung x Sungmin.
thanks for reading!♥
I love all the pairing and some of them were angst but I love it
Haemin was CUTE
Hyukmin sweet
Kyumin <3
and I loved the YEMIN HERE
I bet you can feel my biasedness here, hahaha.
Thank you for reading! ;D
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