Who luuuuvs fanservice? Cracks luuuuvs fanservice! I do, i do, i do, i do-oo...

Jul 30, 2007 04:26

Mmmmm, Heroes panel at nbc.com. Or, ya know, youtube because everything trickles down there eventually. I feel really embarrassed that i fangirl'd in my computer chair as if i was in the audience. The whole goofy smiles and giggles and butterflies and clapping even tho no one could hear me. Do i need valium for NYC ( Read more... )

heroes, comic con

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Comments 25

canadian_turtle July 30 2007, 09:30:23 UTC

oh no, please don't. This was the most enjoyable thing I've read all morning and I've been refreshing my list for the past 3.30 hours. Work FTL ;___;

I haven't seen the panel yet because on NBC.com it's US residents only (BOO!), so I listened to a full hour long audio last night, fun times!! Apparently the vids are on YouTube now too, so I know what I'll be doing tonight.

For some reason I really want to see the cast high five eachother, Masi and Adrian crawl under the table (where Masis stops time to make out with Adrian before they fix the audio) and Zach's face when he's introduced with LLAP.

Why'd you call Quinto a bitch?

And did the vid include the preview for season 2? I am dying to see the black wifebeater with my own eyes...


wisecracks July 30 2007, 09:46:22 UTC
Aw, poor thing stuck at work. I don't know any job that slow and boring that a flist is the only source of entertainment.

For some reason I really want to see the cast high five eachother,
lol It was adorkable.

and Zach's face when he's introduced with LLAP.
LLAP? I'm behind on my terms.

Why'd you call Quinto a bitch?
*duck and cover* I said it in a slangy, loving manner. I always use the first thing that comes to mind. It's time for more physical HoYay to accompany the shout-outs.

No, no preview for us. It hurts my soul. But i'm pretty sure after everyone gets up to leave, Quinto shouts "Mylar" at somebody. That or my lip reading sucks.


canadian_turtle July 30 2007, 09:50:29 UTC
Work's not -really- that slow, I suppose... if I would do it...

LLAP = Live Long and Prosper. I learned that yesterday *grin*

Ah ok, I thought he had said/done something in particular that made you call him that :P

OMG Seriously? LOL I happen to be a ZQ lip reading expert because I used to watch the new vids at work without sound so once I get around to watching it, I'll let you know my thoughts xD


wisecracks July 30 2007, 10:48:04 UTC
Tsk tsk. I don't blame you.

Oh-ho! That's what i get for not ever mingling with the Trekkie online community.

I happen to be a ZQ lip reading expert
Needs to be on your resumé. YUS, let me know!


dominoep July 30 2007, 09:40:47 UTC
Matt should try to do what anybody that has a Crappy Power and is basically useless should do and try to Augment himself with non powers... Like maybe get a Bigger gun... Or by reading minds he really shouldn't have to try all that hard to utilize martial arts...


wisecracks July 30 2007, 09:49:19 UTC
I think we've established he fails with a gun harder. I think an attitude change would make him more interesting. Like how future!Matt still failed but at least he was badass about it.


dominoep July 30 2007, 09:55:11 UTC
Oh hell, he's just a failure no matter what... Maybe he should just wear a suit of armor and stand behind everyone else... Maybe if he didn't still look so Dumbfounded after a year of being able to read minds... Like "Wait, he's... Thinking something?" DUH


wisecracks July 30 2007, 11:04:47 UTC
He seems dumbfounded over everything. At least he's a better use of screen time than Simone was.


ladywilde80 July 30 2007, 20:52:59 UTC
--I keep picturing Adrian's detached beard lurking in the shadows to Jaws music. We're gonna need a bigger razor.

Dude, I almost choked to death with that one... awesome and yes, ZQ is becoming something of a tease isn't he? We better get boy love of the Mylar kind - soon...!


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