& found

May 28, 2008 04:37

For some reason I find the fact that I didn't used to be in Buffy fandom hilarious. It's like... as if there were a time before I knew I was gay or something.

117. (for guys) Sarah Michelle Gellar or Jennifer Love Hewwit: You mean for LESBIANS. And neither. I don't know what any of these people look like.

Things that will never not make me happy: They have nunneries for people like that. Oh male ministerperson ♥

Also making me giddy, the number of times current music = something to do with Roommate. I love her forever.

And found, by the clever device of finding backup CDs that actually had music on them and weren't totally corrupted! The song I was thinking of ( See previous post) is called "Shepherd" and is by Kadie O and the Light.

Now to respond to the rest of my mom's email O_o

tales from the archives, my fannish history, music, ministerpeople

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