fic repost: "Now That's Good Television" Summer Glau/Sean Maher

Jan 20, 2008 16:23

Title: Now That's Good Television
Fandom: Jossverse RPF
Featured Characters: Summer and Sean (and Joss and the rest of the gang).
Do they (want to) have sex (with each other)? Yep.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to any actual celebrities is surely unintended. Everything I know about Big Brother I learned from fox1013
Notes: For the fifth porn Read more... )

rpf, my fanfic, summer/sean, firefly rpf, big brother, sean maher, porn battle, summer glau

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Comments 6

alixtii January 20 2008, 21:30:08 UTC
Everything I know about Big Brother I learned from fox1013

Since the same is true of me, this works out well.

As for the fic itself, there are no words for how in love with it I am. *rbg*

Summer. Guh.


wisdomeagle January 20 2008, 21:32:47 UTC


fox1013 January 20 2008, 21:59:04 UTC
That look on my face? To both of you?



wisdomeagle January 20 2008, 22:01:11 UTC
You're a good teacher, Amy. *g*


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