ficpost: "Running from School" Amanda/Tara

Jan 13, 2008 21:59

Title: "Running from School"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Featured Character: Amanda
Noteworthy Pairings: Amanda/Tara
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Timeline: Covers the time from S1-S6. AU post-"Gift," vague spoilers through "Grave." Also spoils "Potential."
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns them; they are not mine.
Notes: For alixtii in the femslash_minis Tara Round II. He ( Read more... )

potentials, femslash_minis, amanda, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, tara maclay, amanda/tara

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Comments 7

Not the most linear response possible. alixtii January 14 2008, 04:33:28 UTC
Janice! Carlos! A fictional book series about teenage girls! Titles from actual book series about teenage girls! An AU where Faith dies and Amanda is called! Eight thousand words written for me! This is amazing, Ari, and absolutely wonderful. I love the backstory you give Amanda and the way you use perspective to create an insider's view of Sunnydale which is an outsider's at the same time. I love how physicalty is such a part of this fic, touch and sense but also Amanda's body type. (And, guh, Sarah M. Hagan.)

This is intricate and detailed and draws on your recent re-watching (thank you!) in so many small litle ways that I'm going back and re-reading parts and every time I find smething new.

Not to mention a considerable amount of plot. A story this plotty from you is a rare treat, and I cherish it muchly.

I love the way Tara's wisdom works here, imperfect but loving and trying, and the wisdom Amanda gains as she grows older and more experienced. I especioally love these two paragraphs:Tara rests her hand on Amanda's, soft, ( ... )


Re: Not the most linear response possible. wisdomeagle January 14 2008, 06:35:05 UTC
Thank you! I am really glad you enjoyed.

This is intricate and detailed and draws on your recent re-watching (thank you!) in so many small little ways

I'm glad. I find that I write differently right after rewatch (or *during* rewatch, which is what I've been doing more frequently), that I'm more capable of the little refs and nods to canon, or of calling up a name or detail when necessary.

And yeah, you're welcome. It was very onerous, watching my favorite tv show. :p

Not to mention a considerable amount of plot. A story this plotty from you is a rare treat, and I cherish it muchly.

I really don't know why your prompt spawned this, since yeah, it's not my usual fare, but it did and I'm glad, especially since you enjoyed it.

And the way you parallel Buffy/Giles in a fic about Tara! Why you were thinking about Buffy/Giles so much suddenly becomes clear.I think it would be fairer to say that the Buffy/Giles thoughts came first. Or, as I told Elizabeth on Monday night, "I thought of a way to turn Alixtii's demented kinks into my ( ... )


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wisdomeagle January 14 2008, 20:38:41 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really glad that the dreamy feeling came through, and that you enjoyed the backstory I wrote for Amanda.

the Amanda/Tara thing is cute. It's kinda angsty but in a good way

*g* I'm glad you think so.

Thanks so much for reading <3


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wisdomeagle January 15 2008, 22:15:30 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm really glad that line managed to be telling; it felt a little awkward in my head. And thank you for reading. ♥


alixtii May 18 2009, 22:12:12 UTC
Wait, there's a book in existence that has a character named "Bindy Mackenzie" in the title?


wisdomeagle May 18 2009, 22:13:23 UTC
alixtii May 18 2009, 22:26:16 UTC
Does it have a Ueronica Mars in it, too?


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