ficrepost: "Eurydice Bound (The Unicorn Remyth)" (Angel/Faith/Wesley)

Apr 29, 2007 12:00

Title: "Eurydice Bound (The Unicorn Remyth)"
Fandom: The universe whose canon is comprised by Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Featured Characters: Faith, Angel, Wesley.
Do they (want to) have sex (with each other)? Yes, in various permutations.
Rating: R
Setting/Timeline/Warnings: Post-"Not Fade Away"
Disclaimer: Joss's, not mine.
Summary: In ( Read more... )

faith, remix, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, angel, wesley wyndam-pryce

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Comments 3

liminalliz May 1 2007, 22:35:26 UTC
GLORIOUS! And I totally dig this ot3. <333333


seraphcelene February 17 2008, 19:04:20 UTC
Personally, I would NEVER EVER EVER want to try and remix anything Yoon had written. I wouldn't think it's possible. I see that I was very wrong in thinking that because you do an amazing job here. Brava, Carissima. I loved this fractured, heated, death-dreamscape. Wonderful, wonderful job.


wisdomeagle February 18 2008, 00:23:24 UTC
Thank you so much. I love Yoon's writing and was very excited to get the change to remix her. I'm glad you thought I did justice to her fic.


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