[remix] squeal!

Apr 22, 2007 11:46


Someone who loves me very much has remixed Incurable and added Fred/Kaylee. And I don't need to leave for work for an hour, so I can actually read it. Best. Day. Ever. [ Incurable (The "All You Zombies" Remix)As ever, if you can find the remix I wrote, you can have the gift of your choice, provided you choose ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

crystalizedsoul April 22 2007, 15:57:25 UTC
Hi, this is probably not what you were talking about, but I found it anyway and it says remix in the title (that is the extent of my knowledge of what a "remix" is outside of music. This: http://remix.illuminatedtext.com/dbfiction.php?fiction_id=502 has remix in its title.

Anyway, I added you a while back because I adore the premise you wrote for Veronica/Lilly in VM, where they were girlfriends but then Lilly breaks up her, presumably because she thinks they're siblings, and then rebounds with Meg Manning for, most likely, THE EXACT SAME REASON Duncan did it in canon. That is so awesome. I'm not usually a big fan of slash or femslash either, but they are like my OTP.


wisdomeagle April 22 2007, 16:43:49 UTC
Yep; that was the fic written for me in last year's edition of Remix Redux (LJ community: remixredux. This year's fics have just gone live at remix_redux, and if someone can identify the one I wrote (they're posted anonymously), they can have a present.

I'm really pleased that you liked "Senseless."


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