ficrepost: "Wooing the Superpower" Dawn/Amanda

Jan 01, 2007 23:44

Title: "Wooing the Superpower"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Dawn/Amanda
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dawn is still underaged. Amanda too.
Spoilers/Timeline: Just after "Potential"
Disclaimer: Joss's, not mine.
Notes: Written as backup for jadelennox in secret_slasha 2006.
Summary: Amanda has a crush.
Words: 1140

Kennedy joins the other potentials on the couch and slaps Amanda's leg lightly )

secret slasha, potentials, amanda, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, dawn summers

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Comments 11

alixtii January 2 2007, 17:08:17 UTC
Okay, this has been sitting in an open tab for a while now, because of course with that pairing how could I not read it, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet, and now I see that you've written so I've stopped everything....

...and of course I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I'm so full of love and squee that I'm not really articulate, because I LOVE IT SO MUCH, but it's Kennedy and Vi and Molly and Amanda (oh, why did Molly and Amanda have to die?) and Dawn and I love them and you and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

So, so much.


wisdomeagle January 3 2007, 04:06:02 UTC
*squee!* I'm so glad you enjoyed. (And of course I thought of you whilst writing, because potentials!)


netgirl_y2k January 2 2007, 18:24:01 UTC
You've actually made me miss the potentials. This was in fact a bit fabulous.


wisdomeagle January 3 2007, 00:10:57 UTC
Thanks a bunch! :)


thelastgoodname January 3 2007, 00:58:13 UTC
I should have known you had written this.

And I sort of agree with netgirl_y2k: you've made me like the potentials, whom I always wanted to like but could never quite manage.


wisdomeagle January 3 2007, 04:03:34 UTC
Interesting. (I'm not displeased with this, but didn't find it particularly characteristically meish).

On the other hand, I'm with you on the potentials. I love them in theory, but it's a darned sight difficult in canon much of the time.


thelastgoodname January 3 2007, 04:07:37 UTC
I actually have no reasons why I should have known it was you beyond, "Hey, I really like this. Must be Ari."


alixtii January 11 2007, 00:45:06 UTC
I love them in theory, but it's a darned sight difficult in canon much of the time.

Is it a bad thing that this makes absolutely no sense to me?


hollywood_r_bin April 16 2008, 05:54:54 UTC
Ooo I love this, it's so cute. Dawn and Amanda, never read this pairing before but i like it :)


wisdomeagle April 16 2008, 08:17:59 UTC
Thanks v. much!


callmesandy July 14 2008, 00:21:00 UTC
Aww, I really loved this!


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