
Dec 19, 2006 23:32


polls, beverages

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Comments 7

thelastgoodname December 20 2006, 05:07:52 UTC
What kind of tea? It seems like everyone is replying for black tea, and I have other answers for other teas.


wisdomeagle December 20 2006, 05:10:17 UTC
Hot, black. I am curious about your other answers, though.


thelastgoodname December 20 2006, 06:17:00 UTC
Black with milk (and if I'm cranky, with milk and sugar). Peppermint or raspberry with honey. Green, red, or white plain; individual estate black (darjeeling or earl grey) plain; Good Earth Sweet and Spicy plain.

I drink a lot of tea.

(But I don't drink iced tea, so I have no preference for that.)


mosca December 20 2006, 06:23:01 UTC
Technically, if I were to drink black tea, I'd take it with milk. But that's usually my last choice, because if there's coffee I'm drinking it, and I'd rather have green tea or herbal tea than black tea, which is hard on my stomach.


(The comment has been removed)

scrollgirl December 20 2006, 15:03:30 UTC
I was reading some folks' answers and realized that apparently Americans really do think of "iced tea" as actual tea.

Yes! Ick! I was in San Francisco in September and forgot to specify Nestea/Snapple/whatever, and the server gave me TEA with ICE. It was so weird, and yucky.


scrollgirl December 20 2006, 15:41:49 UTC
For nationality, I ticked off North American. However, I would like to point out I'm Chinese and drink my tea accordingly.

Black tea (or what I like to call "white people" tea): milk and sugar, or milk and honey.

Chinese (green and red) tea, herbal tea, etc: nothing.

There is a particular tea called Hong Kong milk tea, and it's black tea served with condensed milk (Carnation, usually) and you can add as much sugar as you want. Most people add lots.

If we go out, I'll sometimes get bubble tea. I'm not a huge fan of pearls (the tapioca balls) but I'll eat them. Usually when my friends get bubble tea, I'll get a slushy drink instead, usually fruit mixed with green tea.


Iced tea scrollgirl December 20 2006, 15:43:51 UTC
In Canada, iced tea is SWEET. None of this American regular tea with ice cubes crap. (Though I understand that in the southern states, they serve ice tea the way we Canadians drink it.)


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