ficlet: "Sunnywhat?" (Ducky, Sunny, Sunnydale)

Jan 27, 2006 22:34

I ficleted.

Title: "Sunnywhat?"
Fandoms: California Diaries and Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Ducky, Sunny
Rating: G
Spoilers: Post-"Chosen," post Sunny: Diary Three.
Disclaimer: Ann&Joss pwn my soul.
Summary: Somewhere in California, Ducky's soul.
Words: 260

you lose track of where you are )

crossovers, my buffyverse fanfic, bsc, my fanfic, bsc fic, ducky is so gay

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Comments 5

escritoireazul January 28 2006, 04:05:54 UTC
I really like this; Ducky's voice is strong, and the characterization is well done, the comparison of Alex to Sunnydale, the way Sunny wants to see the city with her name, the way Sunny becomes thoughtful while Ducky is more upset--it's fantastic, and a nice combination of two of my favorite things.


wisdomeagle January 28 2006, 06:21:57 UTC
Awesome, thanks so much. :) Ducky-in-Sunnydale makes me so happy.


velvetandlace January 28 2006, 12:47:02 UTC
Gah, omg. Your characterisation is *brilliant* and I love the way Ducky relates this tragedy back to who he is; we see the profundity of what happened in Chosen in a such deeply personal, yet so removed from the actual event, kind of way.

Gorgeous, and I *heart* Ducky and I heart you for your BSC fic, and your Sunny is gorgeous and I kind of want to write Dawn/Sunny, now, but it would hurt Mary Anne.


wisdomeagle January 28 2006, 13:12:47 UTC
Eeee! *loves Ducky so incredibly much, as is well-known*


Dawn/Sunny could be so awesome, all that shared history and then the emo in the series sweeping them away from childhood and into something new and adult. It could. But oh, Mary Anne!


velvetandlace January 28 2006, 13:15:09 UTC
Okay, okay. I'm so writing a Dawn/Sunny drabble tomorrow. I can do a drabble despite not having the read the canon in forever, right? :)

And maybe just BSC fic. Maybe. :D

But, yes, my god. This was of the awesome. Please write more BSC. :D!


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