ficpost: "Newly Human" Anya/Dawn

Dec 26, 2005 14:44

Title: "Newly Human"
Fandom: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Anya/Dawn
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Death, weirdness.
Spoilers: Through "Chosen"
Notes: For cdybedahl in the Femslash_minis Anya round.
Summary: Two worlds and their collision.
Words: 772
for a moment, Anya Jenkins exists in the space between life and death... )

my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, dawn summers, la femslash, anya

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Comments 11

lillianmorgan December 27 2005, 02:36:35 UTC
Very nice. I like how you contrast the complexity of the situation with simple, short but effective sentences. Loved the affirmative repetition you use in the last few sentences.
"I'm not stupid, you know. I'm fifteen."
Heeee! :)
Anya and Dawn fold their legs into pretzels and do a spell, just like Willow and Tara used to, sexy and too heavy for them.
I love the way you wrote that and how you incorporated a moment from canon into the story.


wisdomeagle December 27 2005, 03:52:36 UTC
Thanks very much!


shaychana December 27 2005, 17:03:20 UTC
oooh, damn. that's a perfect little gem of a fic. adore the style you have, with the gorgeous phrasing, snappy sentences, and disjointed paragraphing.

"This is the world we made," Anya says, and Dawn comes.
It's wonderful.
i hope the pun was intentional, because i really dug it.


wisdomeagle December 27 2005, 23:11:42 UTC
Thanks so much!

The double meaning was totally intentional. :)


alixtii December 31 2005, 01:33:31 UTC
Ooh. This works. It has the right level of poignancy, balanced with a healthy dose of wish fulfillment. Great job as always.


wisdomeagle December 31 2005, 02:57:56 UTC
Oh, awesome! Wouldn't be Anya-fic without wish fulfillment. :)


lunabee34 December 31 2005, 02:51:21 UTC
I don't even think I know what to say; this is so good.

She kisses Anya, because doing spells makes you feel like kissing, because there's rubble everywhere; the world is ending and they've caused it, and she feels light and free. There's nothing to worry about anymore.

Wow. Just wow.

Reccing this far and wide.


wisdomeagle December 31 2005, 02:58:48 UTC
Eee, you're too kind! Thanks so much!


hermionesviolin January 2 2006, 14:15:17 UTC
I don't have the lavish praise some people had (in part because I was flashing "Amoral Boundaries" with "In the beginning, the Key was without form and void. In the ending, it is that way again. Dawn feels the intersections between worlds as walls of water." and of course this is nowhere near that) but it's definitely an intriguing piece.


wisdomeagle January 2 2006, 17:07:07 UTC
Thanks for reading anyhow - I do hear you. I was flashiing "Amoral Boundaries" myself and clearly wanted to devote more time/energy to this than I had available. So. :)


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