
Dec 21, 2005 21:51

I have one of those very specific fic-cravings that never ever get satisfied because of course I can't find anything that's the exact thing I'm looking for. Still searching, but if you have any leads...

Long, plotty Hermione/Ginny that's sweet without being too utterly fluffy? Brilliantly characterized with a strong ensemble feel? Please?

harry potter, the flist knows all

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Comments 2

jetwolf December 22 2005, 03:03:39 UTC
I can't help you with the 'fic search there, I just wanted to commiserate. You know, I think that might actually be the root motivation of fanfic writers - we know what we want, we just can't bloody well find it.


fast_inertia December 22 2005, 07:18:16 UTC
paranoidkitten has written some excellent H/G fics - probably not as plotty as you're after, but great characterisation, and they hit the spot well. Obvious and 14/2/98 are two of my faves. With Love's Wound is also great but be warned that it's unfinished.

cautious_melody has also written some nice H/G - check out La Courbe de Tes Yeux, which unfortunately is also unfinished as yet...


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