
Dec 01, 2005 23:38

organized by fandom. I managed to not screw up the html on my very first try!


[Firefly. Kaylee/Saffron/Mal. PG-13. Once again I ignored the prompt, this time from alixtii. Set during "Our Mrs. Reynolds" before the reveal.]
saffron+mal )

crossovers, my drabbles, kaylee frye, firefly, my fanfic, my firefly fic

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Comments 42

likeadeuce December 2 2005, 04:49:06 UTC
joss/alexis OMG. . .wibbles.


wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:04:54 UTC
I know! And I made them cute! (As opposed to crazydarkfuckedup+angsty, like I usually write them.) :)


likeadeuce December 2 2005, 05:09:11 UTC
for the record, I wanted to rec your j/w on crackvan and they said no RPS :(

which doesn't make sense to me b/c half what i see on there seems to be popslash or lotrips but whatever. .. :)


wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:16:20 UTC
Aww. Thanks for the thought!

And, uh, yeah. I've seen people complain about how much RPS is recced on crack_van. Why not MY RPS omg. *woes small amount*


redstarrobot December 2 2005, 05:04:04 UTC
Yay! Fantastic. And so speedy. :)


wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:07:50 UTC
*g* Thanks! (If I don't do drabbles-on-demand as quickly as they're demanded, I'll lose interest and go, like, watch teevee or something. *attention span of a gnat omg!* Hence, speed!)


gwynnega December 2 2005, 05:05:17 UTC
Giles knows how to do this fancy

I love this! Thanks!!


wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:10:34 UTC
Hurrah! I realized that it's been awhile since I've written Giles -- in an earlier draft of your drabble, I compared his "fancy" lovemaking to Inara's -- she learned hers at Companion School or whatever, he from books. Anyhow, I digress! Glad you enjoyed. :)


palmaceae December 2 2005, 05:09:51 UTC
Then Joss hit Alexis, and wrote about Simon instead.

<3 that was great, soo soo great.


wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:11:22 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomeagle December 2 2005, 05:13:02 UTC
Heeee. Wallace/Kaylee is SO cute. They are the ultimate in CUTENESS. Well, with contention from Kaylee/Willow, or Kaylee/Fred, or Kaylee/Zelenka (but you don't know that fandom) or... gah! Kaylee is teh_cute_omg! (Even my kidsis agrees!)


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