ficpost: "Bunny Rabbit Girl" Dawn/Nina

Nov 07, 2005 02:28

Title: "Bunny Rabbit Girl"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Pairing: Dawn/Nina
Other Pairings Mentioned: vague Angel/Nina UST, Willow/Kennedy, oblique reference to Willow/Oz
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Casual sex, bisexuality, and carnivores.
Spoilers/Timeline: post-"Unleashed," pre-"Smile Time," and AU.
Disclaimer: Joss's, not mine.
Notes: ( Read more... )

femslash_minis, nina ash, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, dawn summers

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Comments 18

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wisdomeagle November 7 2005, 17:17:24 UTC
Thank you so much. I do not know why I didn't write the NC-17 bits, since I so wanted to write about Nina's breasts, but alas, I did not. *woe*

Am so glad you enjoyed. :)


sappho_wilde November 7 2005, 10:26:10 UTC
*applause* I love what you did with this. Dawn and Nina are (for me) really hard to write, but you have them down cold. And now I crave an iced mocacchino something *fierce*. Wonderful story!


wisdomeagle November 7 2005, 17:21:24 UTC
Thank youuu! I was sort of fretful about writing Nina, but after watching "Unleashed" she really clicked with me. Mmm, mochas. :)


alixtii November 7 2005, 12:32:56 UTC
This is a wondeful fic, Ari. Truly excellent work. You took a pairing more or less out of left field and really made it sing, diving deep into the character and making all kinds of deep thematic points. You not made it make sense, you made it mean something more.


wisdomeagle November 7 2005, 17:26:14 UTC
Oh, thank you so much, hon. I was *hoping*... I'm glad it worked.


cadence_k November 7 2005, 14:05:06 UTC
This was just... perfect! One of my favorite aspects of this is how it doesn't forget that they aren't normal, but it still lets them act "normal". They flirt, they take strangers home after the first meeting, they eat breakfast. Wanting to eat bunny rabbits doesn't take that away from Nina.

I think you really showed how Dawn could be really good for Nina because she is so used to "monsters". Like the end, where Dawn gets Nina to laugh about it, I think Dawn could show Nina that being a werewolf isn't the end of the world.

And since I'm obviously over-analyzing this pairing, I'll go to work now! Thank you for sharing such an incredible fic! What a great way to start the day...


wisdomeagle November 7 2005, 17:31:12 UTC
Yes, it's the normal thing. :) Because I know one of the things Doyle likes about both characters is their normalacy in the midst of weirdness, and that makes them fun to write. So yes, I totally convinved myself of this pairing while writing it. *joys* I am so glad you enjoyed!

(And now, for an encore, Fred/Nina fic just screaming to be written.)


cadence_k November 7 2005, 22:44:41 UTC
I want to read Fred/Nina soooooo much!

*offers cookies*


celievamp November 7 2005, 21:23:19 UTC
once I'd remembered who Nina was, I really enjoyed this. Perfect pairing


wisdomeagle November 7 2005, 21:35:07 UTC


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