ficpost: "The Core of the Apple" Cordelia/Anya

Sep 05, 2005 23:29

Title: "The Core of the Apple"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Cordelia/Anya
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Timeline: Post-"Graduation Day"
Notes/Justification: For willshenillshe in the femslash_minis Cordelia round. She wanted Mention of Anya's history as Aud, sympathizing over what it's like to lose everything, complaining about men, no mention of Xander, no PWP.
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femslash_minis, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, cordelia chase, anya

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Comments 11

azarsuerte September 6 2005, 07:06:48 UTC
Ooooh, it's like the ultimate snarky Denial road trip. ;-) I like!


wisdomeagle September 6 2005, 21:04:03 UTC
*g* Yay! Glad you enjoyed.


cadence_k September 6 2005, 15:52:01 UTC
I love Anya and Cordy's voices in this one! You really captured how upset and out of place they're feeling. Cordelia especially feels like she's deep in denial, maybe because Anya is still so concerned about being human again.

So, yeah. I liked this muchly. It makes me want to know what happens in a few days or whenever they settle down :)


wisdomeagle September 6 2005, 21:05:44 UTC
Yeah; I am crazy in love with Cordelia at this point in canon because she's running! away! Which is a huge kink of mine, and I think at this point she realizes her life has changed but isn't yet at the point where she knows *how* it's changed... Yep. I <3 them.


zgirl714 September 9 2005, 13:21:19 UTC
Hi! I run a Whedonverse femslash archive called Magic Happens and I was hoping you would let me archive this fic. Thanks!


pinkdormouse September 10 2005, 15:54:40 UTC
Here via su_herald and I like this a lot.



wisdomeagle September 10 2005, 20:13:15 UTC
Thank you; I'm glad you enjoyed.


callmesandy October 2 2005, 15:17:15 UTC
I love your dialogue, it's so perfect. Awesome!


wisdomeagle October 2 2005, 17:16:04 UTC
*g* Thank you so much!


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