Title: "Nomatophobia"
Fandom: Angel
Pairing: Angel/Wesley
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Timeline: Mid-S5, post-YW, pre-HitW.
Notes: For
Phobia FicathonDisclaimer: Joss is too busy going to events as Alexis's date to write anything in this 'verse.
Summary: Fear of names.
Words: 1074
... )
Comments 18
I really enjoyed the first part. The way you show us how Angel views Wes and the way he says those names knowing he won't get an answer is really powerful. Great job, as always. And now I go to bed! :)
The way he says those names knowing he won't get an answer is really powerful.
Yay, awesome! I really enjoyed writing that bit and am glad you enjoyed.
And this certainly feels like the Buffyverse. IT fits into canon so well, everyone is so in character it hurts, the themes and darkness of the Buffyverse are there. Joss couldn't havce written this scene any better.
Absolutely excellent work, Ari.
Thank you so much for this story and for participating.
*warm hugs*
*hugs back*
Every time someone doesn't recognize the names is a gut-punch; why does he never remember that until it's too late?
Not a valet -- perhaps a general. He cannot shake the notion that Angel is fighting a war none of them know about.
Wesley has sworn with oaths more binding than the Council's most feared vows to follow Angel. It eases his mind to have this certain knowledge when so many pieces of his life seem to fit together wrong.
So many good lines that are so *very* Wesley and Angel. This is great; very ephemeral, but lucid. Nice. :)
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