ficpost: "The Five Games You Play In Heaven" (multiple pairings)

Jul 07, 2005 01:09

Title: "The Five Games You Play In Heaven"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through NFA. The rest of the header is behind a spoiler-cut for that reason. ( read the rest of the header )

charles gunn, jonathan levinson, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, fred/lilah, wesley wyndam-pryce, tara maclay, fred burkle, jenny calendar, amanda, cordelia chase, dennis, anya, lilah morgan

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Comments 72

kita0610 July 7 2005, 21:23:35 UTC

Like, times five.



wisdomeagle July 8 2005, 00:27:09 UTC
Eee. Thank you.


makd July 7 2005, 21:37:53 UTC
lovely fic; just lovely. thanks; may I rec on LJ?


wisdomeagle July 8 2005, 00:28:04 UTC
Thank you! Of course you may rec; I'm honored.


mpoetess July 7 2005, 22:04:33 UTC
Wonderful character voices, and manages to be funny and sharp and awww at the same time. Awesome.


wisdomeagle July 8 2005, 00:29:57 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed.


a2zmom July 7 2005, 22:31:03 UTC
I adored all of these. Great voices and who knows, maybe this is where some of them wound up.


wisdomeagle July 8 2005, 00:30:28 UTC
:) Thanks.


ros_fod July 8 2005, 04:03:44 UTC
Good Lord. All of these were so wonderful, but that last one. OW.

I very much enjoyed this. Thank you.


wisdomeagle July 8 2005, 04:17:56 UTC
Aww... Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed.


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