Title: "Prayers"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Willow/Giles
Spoilers: Through S6
Rating: R
Summary: Willow calls out to Giles, but both of them end up learning something.
Notes: For
maybedarkpink for the
giles_ficathon. Her requests at the end
Words: 3925
Willow/Giles )
Comments 10
Faith, of course, was frowned upon.
When I first read this, I thought Faith as in Faith the Slayer! Hee...
I loved this story. You grabbed the angst of their whole existence. They are damaged, but still with the capacity to love. I'm looking forward to more of your work.
And now, since I gave up web surfing for Lent, I will see you next week.
May your fast (from the evil internet) be light. See you next feast day. :D
Can I archive this? *puppy dog eyes*
Archive away. :D
LOVE this bit.
> At first he thought it was God, responding to his flimsy efforts at devotion, or perhaps Janus, rebuking him for his apostasy.
*cracks up* Though I'm not sure Janus has thought of Giles as a disciple of His (Its?) for a long time.
> words hat had
Typo: Should be "that"
Interesting idea, Willow feeling something wrong in her magic. But then . . . I didn't notice anything too wrong at the incense moment, but things were happening too fast, too vague (and not in a "A Sip of Tea" kind of way) and I thought, "She's brainwashing him," and I'd been worried ever since he first touched her, had actually expected "he had meant to great her briefly" to be followed with an explanation of fear given the whole mind-connection worry that opened the fic, and partly I'm just primed for this sort of reading having recently read Sophia Jirafe's "Axis Mundi"> When he stood up that afternoon and faced ( ... )
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