Baby Sitters' Club Ficathon fic

May 05, 2004 20:04

Kristy and the Little Jealousies
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kristy/Logan
Summary: Kristy knows exactly what she's doing. Right.
Notes: Written for the BSC ficathon. Not the best thing I've ever written, but hope it's satisfactory. For norie47, who requested K/L.
fic ahoy! )

bsc, my fanfic, bsc fic

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Comments 8

the_larch May 5 2004, 21:39:19 UTC
Clandestine ice cream! I love it!

And so angsty and yay, good job!


wisdomeagle May 5 2004, 21:46:01 UTC
Thank you. :D

Glad you liked it; I feel sort of put to shame by some of the pic people have written.


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomeagle May 5 2004, 21:52:29 UTC
Thanks for the feedback! I was a little ambivalent about doing it in the style of Ann M. Martin and staff; I'm glad it turned out okay.


sk8eeyore May 6 2004, 11:17:37 UTC
I agree, it's fun to see another side of the characters.

But honestly, and please don't be mad at me for saying this, I love me more. Heh.

The style is neat, too. I was actually a bit intimidated by the idea of writing them as thirteen-year-olds, finding it easier to write grownup Claudia with backstory and stuff... so this is impressive.


wisdomeagle May 6 2004, 14:08:00 UTC

Thanks. I don't know... I think partially I just can't imagine them growing up after looping eighth grade ten times.


jenish February 25 2006, 00:40:31 UTC
Oh. This is so good, it fits in so well with the characters - Kristy does know exactly what makes Mary Anne tick, and just, yes.


wisdomeagle February 25 2006, 00:59:54 UTC
Eee, thanks! *looks forward to feedback!spam* And yeah. Kristy really, really does.


ha anonymous March 11 2008, 01:41:46 UTC
ha it's hard to imagine that kristy and logan would get together but that was cute i'd like to see a story where like kristy steals mary anne away from logan that'd be awesome.
oh and by the way why'd you make kristy look like a bitch


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