The Strangest Thing: Sam/Hammond fic

May 01, 2004 19:58

The Strangest Thing
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Hammond
Spoilers: Better if you've seen Secrets and Tok'ra
Season: 5
Warnings: Ooh, boy. Feelings of the Jack/Sam variety. Angst and then some. Cross-gen. More than you probably wanted to know about George Hammond.
Summary: A conglomeration of moments and memories with a side of weirded-out teammates and ( Read more... )

samantha carter, george hammond, my fanfic, my gatefic, sam/hammond, everything gateverse

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gvambat May 2 2004, 10:51:51 UTC
All right, first the obligitory what the fuck were you smoking...

What the fuck were you smoking?!

Ok, now that that's out of the way...


I'm trying to get to something approaching rational comments, but the pairing just seems to get in the way.


All right, well written, characters make sense (except for Hammond, a bit. Why's he doing this? Doesn't belong in this fic, but...anyway) but the pairing...first Jack/Kinsey, now this. The mental immages...may I have a lobotomy now?



gvambat May 2 2004, 13:28:06 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 13:56:46 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 13:58:07 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 14:02:35 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 14:07:29 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 14:10:21 UTC
gvambat May 2 2004, 14:11:13 UTC


wisdomeagle May 3 2004, 10:04:06 UTC
Incidentally, I've screened this entire thread so that anyone who's actually here for fic and comments on fic doesn't have to see us blather. :D

Can you still see the comments?


gvambat May 3 2004, 19:26:50 UTC
What, blather? Who, us? *looks innocent*


Erm...not really. Can see mine, can't see yours.


wisdomeagle May 3 2004, 19:28:17 UTC
Er, of course not.


Ah. Okay. Hmm.... well, could unscreen... or could show you if you ever desperately want to see them? I think the thread kinda died, anyhow.


gvambat May 3 2004, 20:57:45 UTC
Oh good. I was worried.


*nods* *Nods* *attempts to make a decision* *fails* *Shrugs* :p


wisdomeagle May 3 2004, 21:23:05 UTC
Don't try too hard. Might strain something.


gvambat May 3 2004, 21:40:29 UTC
And thinking's terribly dangerious.


wisdomeagle May 3 2004, 21:58:34 UTC


gvambat May 3 2004, 23:16:50 UTC
So we shouldn't do it!


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