good day and question set 12(?)

Feb 04, 2004 13:25

Today is a good day! I think it's my reward from the universe for being good and going to bed early last night. First, there was this wonderful, beautiful, painfully good Jack/Daniel D/s fic written just for me. Shines Like Destruction by sage_theory. Read it. Good God, read it. Sadly, I had to interrupt my fic reading to go watch tS. (Oh, how sad! Instead ( Read more... )

jack/daniel, recs, people: gvambat, interview meme, unsquickability, andromeda, memes

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Comments 8

aristaea February 4 2004, 22:53:28 UTC
I should go to the post office to see if the mail gods have noticed my goodness and rewarded me with a letter.

Wow, I remember that. It was a weekly ritual my alpha year, going to Pannill to see if anyone had mail. Of course, the easiest way to always have mail is to constantly fill out those postcards for grad school information, and then you also have lots of random booklets you will never need to take up space you can't spare. Fun! (:


wisdomeagle February 4 2004, 23:03:53 UTC
Oh yes. Of course, my addiction to mail is so great, that it's more like a daily ritual, but still. Having class in Deming twice a week helps. Living in Kable my freshman year helped. (Cons: far away from everything. Pros: really close to Pannil!)

Note to self: apply to grad school.


gvambat February 5 2004, 16:43:02 UTC
Graphic NC-17 Dylan/ Trance. I think I can say with reasonable certainty that I will never write Dylan/Trance neither for love nor money.

But what if it was noncon, Evil!Trance, torturefic? What if?!?

I should go to the post office to see if the mail gods have noticed my goodness and rewarded me with a letter.

Reallyreally sorry...couldn't manage to make it to the mail room until yesterday. *apologises*


wisdomeagle February 5 2004, 17:03:50 UTC
You know, I thought of that. With Trance topping, and... yeah. And I might. But I think for hurt/comfort purposes, or even h/nc, you're supposed to inflict the hurt on someone you actually like. *crooks finger* Oh, Harper!

Oh, yes, all roommate's fault that roommate's ankle is twisted! All roommate's fault!

Am also waiting on letter from sage_theory; if it doesn't arrive soon, mail Gods will need to be talked to severely.


Re: wisdomeagle February 5 2004, 18:54:15 UTC
Damn. you ( ... )


Re: gvambat February 11 2004, 17:10:40 UTC
How the frell did I miss this?

*bows deeply*


*hates roommate's brain*

*REALLY hates roommate's brain*


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