blinding flash of the obvious!

Jan 29, 2004 03:35

Lying awake, I realized that Sherlock Holmes is The Sentinel. They're the same story. The ship works in exactly the same in similar ways. The sharing of living quarters. The detective work. The study of the dominant character (possessed of a remarkable trait) by the less dominant one. You heard it here first, folks. Blair Sandburg is the ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes, crossovers, eureka, the sentinel

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Comments 3

azarsuerte January 29 2004, 00:47:16 UTC
I actually read a TS/SH crossover once that had Holmes being a Sentinel and Watson his Guide. Which makes sense, if you think about it--Sherlock always seemed to see or smell, etc. things that no one else could.



ximeria January 29 2004, 01:58:39 UTC
That makes sense in a way that is almost scary


wistful_fever January 29 2004, 04:54:16 UTC
Good observation. I've never made the link before.


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