ficpost: "Whenever You're Ready" Buffy/Willow

Feb 24, 2013 19:50

Title: Whenever You're Ready
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Featured Pairing: Buffy/Willow
Rating: Explicit
Spoilers/Timeline They're adults in my head
Disclaimer: Transformative work not created for profit.
Notes: For
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kink_bingo, my buffyverse fanfic, willow rosenberg, my fanfic, buffy summers, bdsm

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Comments 4

swan_secrets February 26 2013, 07:58:43 UTC
I think this is the first time I've read a full on watersports fic, you did a really great job, very sexy


wisdomeagle February 26 2013, 21:48:23 UTC
Thanks! I know it is the first time I wrote watersports fic. Thanks for reading.


serene_ms_s February 27 2013, 07:23:59 UTC
Never had a problem with Buffy and Willow, and D!Buffy/s!willow makes perfect sense. Never been into watersports, indeed I am usually grossed out by the idea, but this was surprisingly hot. Especially when Willow was revolted when she came back to 'normality'.


wisdomeagle February 27 2013, 21:01:35 UTC
Thanks for reading; glad you found it hot!


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