[lj] spaz!

Dec 06, 2008 02:02

Where did the stalker-pin go? HOW CAN I FUNCTION WITHOUT IT?

It's not showing up in the wee blue bar of awesome (that goes like previous post, memorify, stalkerpin, edit, edit tags, flag, next post -- only THERE IS NO STALKERPIN. Wantz it back now plz.) How will I know if anyone writes any of my requests at the Buffyverse kinkmeme without stalkerpin?

Edit: Probably to do with the new release, which has also made all subjects into hyperlinks. Which is utotally useful when you have a comments-locked post that you're trying to dig up a real link to, but I would totally rather have stalkerpin. (My first thought when it disappeared was, "I HAVE USED UP MY ALLOWANCE OH NOES." But I'm only using about 90/1000.)

"Stalker-pin" is tm Elizabeth. :)

Edit2: Switching to Lynx didn't help. Switching to S2 didn't help. Someone on the release post complained about the "Edit" button being gone for them, which all things considered would be a worse disaster. Mebbe if I go to bed LJ will fix it? *looks hopeful*

Edit3: When I view page source, I can see it and access it, so I managed to pin the kinkmeme. Something has gone wrong in the html. Maybe I should blame Firefox? Or the frelled-up computer?

Edit4: Restarting Firefox didn't help. I wonder if the problem is in the add-ons?

lj spaz

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