Fic: From the Fourth Floor (Draco Malfoy)

Dec 11, 2011 20:13

TITLE: From the Fourth Floor
SUMMARY: “Merlin, its cold out here!” Blaise complained. “How can you stand it, Draco?” “It’s a bloody dare,” Theodore said. “Pansy dared him, so he’s got to do it, don’t you, Malfoy?”
FANDOM: Harry Potter (Draco Malfoy)
STATUS: Complete - One Shot
DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. This story is a work of fiction and came from the deepest, darkest, corner of my imagination.
AUTHORS NOTE: Written for Day 11 @ adventchallenge. This is part of a larger Draco/Harry fiction that I am currently writing.


The stone of the balustrade under Draco Malfoy’s bare feet was cold, but at least not icy. His toes curled around the edge as he balanced, hands tucked under his arms to keep his fingers warm. Behind him, the light and warmth of the forth floor spilled out onto the balcony, forming almost a solid presence at his back.

“Merlin, its cold out here!” Blaise complained. “How can you stand it, Draco?”

“It’s a bloody dare,” Theodore said. “Pansy dared him, so he’s got to do it, don’t you, Malfoy?”

“No one,” Draco said, “will call me a coward without proof.”

“No one called you a coward,” Blaise said.

“They said I wouldn’t do it,” Draco said. “I’m proving them wrong.” He hiccoughed gently, careful not to lose his balance.

“You’re completely mad, “ Theodore said.

“No, he’s completely naked,” Blaise said. “Needs his hat. Everyone needs a hat. Where is it?”

Vincent passed Draco his hat. Balancing carefully, he set the pointed hat on his head and looked out at the still-dark sky. The sky in the east was definitely lightening-right now, though, it was a little cold, and he was naked, and he really wished the sun would hurry up and rise so he could do the crowing-like-a-rooster bit and get down and get a ton of something warm and alcoholic in him.

He was sobering up too quickly, although the very fact that he was on a balcony four stories above the Quad and the wind was picking up and his balance was not the best because of all the very warm and alcoholic beverages he’d been drinking all night-well, all of that was rather exciting.

Despite the shock of cold that had shriveled it moments ago, his cock started to wake and he laughed wildly. He laughed again as the sun edged up over the horizon, and his uncontrollable giggle turned into a triumphant ark-ooooo! as he flapped his elbows, arched his back and crowed.

He overbalanced forward hanging for a split second over the cobblestones far below, and a warm wash of peace, of acceptance, flowed through him-until hands on his elbows yanked him backward, and he did fall, but into four pairs of arms that born him back into the shadows of the forth floor corridor. Someone threw his robes over him.

“What the hell was that about?” Blaise demanded. “I bloody thought you were going to end up taking a dive. Don’t do that again.”

Draco shrugged. “Wouldn’t really matter if I had. Where’s my hat?” It had fallen off when he’d tumbled back off the balustrade.

Vincent dumped a pile of clothing into his lap, the hat perched on top. Under the cover of his robes. Draco squirmed into his trousers, then pulled his shirt over his head.

Theodore observed him puzzled. “You’ve been standing on a balcony with your dick in the wind for a quarter hour, but you can put your clothes on in front of us?”

“Shut up,” Draco said, and he stood adjusting his tie. “I must away,” he said dramatically, and swept a bow, then set his hat on his head. “I have a prize to claim from Pansy.”

Gregory handed him his drink and Draco took a dramatic swig before bowing again and sailing down the corridor-in his own mind. In reality, he staggered a bit, tripped over his own feet, and only avoided falling because Vincent and Gregory were following and caught him before he fell on the rough pave stones of the hallway.


fic: pg-13, fandom: harry potter, fic: fanfiction

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