House of Flying Daggers icons (updated)

Feb 02, 2006 00:20

My first official icon set. :) koalathebear's glorious HOFD picspam was rather inspirational!

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my icons, takeshi kaneshiro, icons, house of flying daggers

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Comments 41

shayrena February 2 2006, 08:37:36 UTC
This is your first icon post? Wow, these are beautiful, very good job! My first set sucked *lol*
I like your cropping, it's very unique.


winterspel February 2 2006, 11:44:39 UTC
*Thank you* dear. I'm really very amateur - I just cropped and played a teensy bit with color. I daresay I know how to do probably 4 things with the program, hence the extreme simplicity of these (but I usually prefer that myself). I'd never intended to make an icon post, but for some reason I hit a zone last night and discovered that I had far more than I'd ever be able to use for myself, so...I feel a bit silly about the whole thing, because I'm not really a graphics person at all! My cropping isn't unique through any design, only a desire to flatter Takeshi Kaneshiro as much as possible! LOL! If you like it, then I'm thrilled. Hee!


shayrena February 2 2006, 19:28:33 UTC
But it looks good this way. I hate it when icons are overdone.
And look at #11, that IS unique cropping!
I like them, but I don't know the movie *lol*


winterspel February 2 2006, 19:37:22 UTC
I'm really flattered that you like them, shayrena (I'm still getting used to the new handle!:D). I hope someday you will get to see the film - it's just beautiful with gorgeous action sequences and a passionate love story, plus plot twists.


koalathebear February 2 2006, 11:43:56 UTC
Oooh new ones. #4 and #12 are particularly lovely. I love the fact you kept the colours!

You already know I think these are lovely. I hope you're going to cross-post them!


winterspel February 2 2006, 11:59:50 UTC
My heartfelt thanks for your advice and thoughts last night - I am SO not proud! :D Glad you like the new ones! You know my taste is for clear images and natural colors - besides, I don't know how to do any fancy effects anyway! The only thing I tried to do was give all of them a "golden" cast instead of the more washed out bluish grey thing most of the images had going originally. I thought it would make the green pop a bit.

Where else should I post? I've posted to wuxia_graphics, carefree_wind, and tkaneshirofans.

I'm glad you like #4 (it came out better than I thought it would). Thanks again, Koala!


koalathebear February 2 2006, 14:06:19 UTC
You're very welcome. They look very beautiful and well you know I like clear images and natural colours, too so I'm not going to complain about any lack of fancy effects :P

Those are the the only communities I know of! I didn't even know about carefree_wind. I have joned although today I unsubscribed from a whole bunch of other communities. :D


VERY Nice! cuillin February 2 2006, 12:50:08 UTC
Wow, for a 1st try this are just wonderful! You know how much I love the movie....

Figured it's about time I surfaced :-)

Chris / cuillin


Re: VERY Nice! winterspel February 2 2006, 13:56:07 UTC
Thank you, dear! I'm so glad you like these. I had HOFD on last night while I was making these and doing other things, just for additional inspiration. *sigh* It's such a beautiful film.

And your package arrived last night - THANK YOU! I so appreciate it.


Re: VERY Nice! cuillin February 2 2006, 15:02:24 UTC
Just curious how long does making an icon take?
Not something I've been interested in doing, geek that I am.



Re: VERY Nice! winterspel February 2 2006, 15:11:36 UTC
Just curious how long does making an icon take?

It really depends. You could make an icon in less than five minutes if you're only cropping an image to the correct size. If you want to do other things, like play with colors, effects, put text on, etc, it takes longer depending on how much you want to work on the image. I don't do that much (mostly because I don't know how to!:P), so they don't take me huge amounts of time. Do you want me to make something for you? I'd be happy to, for you (you need to get an icon!!*laughs*), with whatever rudimentary skills I possess.

If you look here you can see the icons that I've made - most of them are from bases that were offered in base communities.


kitsah February 2 2006, 15:32:05 UTC
very lovely! i'd snatch 'em but i've never seen the movie so...! you do have an eye for graphics...


winterspel February 2 2006, 15:37:31 UTC
i've never seen the movie so...!

We need to remedy this. :D I adore this film - it's soooo beautiful. Fabulous action sequences and just gorgeous.

you do have an eye for graphics...
LOL! I'm glad you think so, because I feel a bit like I'm wearing mum's shoes and makeup - I'm incredibly amateurish. I sure didn't PLAN to do an icon post, but one thing led to another and I suddenly had way too many icons for my own use! ;)


dangermousie February 2 2006, 15:41:34 UTC
Oh. My. God.

*brain overloads from the grogeousness of the icons*

I am taking them all :)


winterspel February 2 2006, 15:43:37 UTC
Wow. I'm stunned by your reaction. :) Thanks! I hope you enjoy...I had so much fun making them and rewatching the film last night!


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