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Comments 7

matchynishi April 14 2008, 02:15:44 UTC

I confess I am baffled about why Kame's dramas seem to bomb in the ratings, even though people are all 'kamenashi, the number 1 idol' and things like that. ^^ Poor Kame, but he seems like he had a lot of fun filming this, even if it was a lot of work. :D

I watched the Lips PV again right after I saw the finale and I was taken aback by how different he seems from Kousaku irl saljfsdlkf it was a bit of a shock, even though I'd known of all of it before. XDDD Oh, Kame, how I love you. <3


winterspel April 14 2008, 15:10:04 UTC

Hee, that moment was pure Kame! :)

Re: the bad ratings. I could offer you lots of complicated reasons as to why I think his last dramas haven't done well. So much of this has to do with the current difficult television climate...and choice of story: this one seemed doomed from the get-go - I think it just didn't have a broad-enough appeal, so even if it was so much better than many people expected, that wasn't enough to make it a ratings winner. I only feel sorry that he puts so much effort into his acting projects - I'd like to see that effort rewarded. One day it will happen again. And maybe it will do his career good to take a step back and not be the lead in his next drama - take the pressure off, you know?

Whatever his next drama is, though, I'll definitely be there.

I watched the Lips PV again right after I saw the finale and I was taken aback by how different he seems from Kousaku irl saljfsdlkf it was a bit of a shock, even though I'd known of all of it beforeYES - see, this is what I love about both of ( ... )


matchynishi April 14 2008, 16:34:20 UTC
Well, I do admit that I did have a wtf moment when I first heard about the story of a binge eating boxer who falls in love with a nun, myself. >.> But yes, am most definitely gonna be there for his next drama, he's one of the most entertaining, er, entertainers out there. XD

I can't imagine Lips without Kame and his eyeliner and alskdjfdf. *_*


marinamirabella April 14 2008, 03:41:16 UTC
Nice review *loves* XD By the way, about
"I hope it was really snowing while they were filming, because it was such a random detail."
Have you seen that doubutsu-show in which Kame was let to play with otters? This is the scene that Ayaka-sun with those little cuties participated in. I even managed to see them when I saw it in the real episode XD And it was really snowing when they filmed it, you could see it in that show.


winterspel April 14 2008, 15:12:46 UTC
Thank you! And no, I haven't yet seen that clip with Kame & the otters (I dl so much stuff but I don't get around to watching half of it), so I didn't know about the snow. I'm so glad it was real, and thanks for telling me.


ina April 14 2008, 11:36:29 UTC
I think the Mother Superior misunderstood the amount of money Sister Angela asked her for and gave her a 500 yen coin. Sister Angela was too embarrassed to correct her. Wasn't there a flashback to that later when the Mother Superior learns about the debt?

I am so glad you completed this, because I always like to read your thoughts about it. And I always find little tidbits I might have overlooked myself.

What I also liked in episode 7 was that Kousaku was the only one totally oblivious to Ueda's lie and saying so when they are sitting together.


winterspel April 14 2008, 15:28:11 UTC
I think the Mother Superior misunderstood the amount of money Sister Angela asked her for and gave her a 500 yen coin. Sister Angela was too embarrassed to correct her. Wasn't there a flashback to that later when the Mother Superior learns about the debt?

Ohhhh, that makes perfect sense now! There wasn't a flashback when the Mother Superior learns about the debt, but there is a cut to her face with an expression of realization connecting it to Angela's money request.

I'm glad you pointed out that moment in episode 7, because I loved that, too - Kousaku's embarrassed little grin as he admits that he believed Ueda's lie about having a title match is really cute. Kousaku is, in fact, quite adorable during that entire scene, which actually is one of my favorites in the whole drama - I just like how they're all together, sort of soothing each other from their terrible, humiliating day and making confessions. Such nice male bonding.

I'm glad I finished the post, too, and I very much appreciate your comments, ina! While the drama isn't one ( ... )


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