Sapuri: episode 1 meta (Minami/Yuya-centric)

Mar 15, 2008 14:07

In late November of last year, I began rewatching Sapuri, Kamenashi's summer of 2006 jdrama. My opinions on the drama have changed quite dramatically since I first watched it in 2006 - while I adored Kame's Ishida Yuya (the drama is what truly made me a fan), I didn't adore the drama, and I definitely didn't love the leading lady. Now, with the ( Read more... )

jdorama: sapuri meta, kamenashi kazuya 2, jdorama: sapuri

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Comments 21

ginzarhapsody March 15 2008, 18:26:57 UTC
*cries* I knew I already loved you, but... oh m'dear, how you've touched my heart and moved it so effectively with this beautiful meta. I will be linking to it later tonight in my journal. ♥

It's interesting that during Ogiwara's conversation with Minami we discover that she was his sempai (in the manga I think it's different because they are "same time employees" meaning that they were hired at the same time)

I felt like in reflecting on how the drama manifests the manga, drama!Ogiwara is a merge of the original manga!Ishida and manga!Ogiwara. drama!Ishida is a completely different, and he really doesn't have a manga counterpart, which I find very intriguing because that is to say that the screenwriter has the keen eye to realize a character like drama!Ishida could perfectly fit into Sapuri's world and work brilliantly.

It's touching how much Yuya wants her approval. He confesses to lying, simply because he can't be dishonest with her. It's almost like he wants her to be angry with him - he wants her to react and not be so calm. ( ... )


winterspel March 15 2008, 18:52:02 UTC
Awww! You know, you are my Sapuri kindred spirit, absolutely. The way you get it is a beautiful thing. :) I'm really happy that you enjoyed this!

I would actually love it a whole lot if you ever feel like writing some comparison meta between the manga and the drama - at least from my experience of the first volume, I'm very impressed with how the manga was realized into the drama, what elements where kept, what elements were changed, where the inspiration can be seen. You have a much keener eye, though, than I do for manga, so I'd definitely be interesting in reading your further thoughts.

I'm glad you brought up that bit from episode 6 - trust me, it's one that I will be mentioning, to be sure. Yuya's ability to understand Minami and her motivations - not just toward him, but toward her work and other people, has always been one of my favorite things about his character.

♥ ♥


ginzarhapsody March 15 2008, 19:04:30 UTC
Awww! You know, you are my Sapuri kindred spirit, absolutely. The way you get it is a beautiful thing. :) I'm really happy that you enjoyed this!

♥ I'm so happy you posted it. I've now got my Sapuri playlist on repeat and I've got a hankering to watch the drama now too. If only there were more of us that just got it. *grin*

I would actually love it a whole lot if you ever feel like writing some comparison meta between the manga and the drama

You know, I actually did a bit for volumes two and three (so it gets a tad spoilery, but not terribly if you've seen the drama) in this entry. Once I get back into finishing of the later volumes, I suppose I'll write more because I really do love it.


Suppli thinking_lotus March 15 2008, 19:37:55 UTC
I am reading vol 2 of the English translation now and loving it.

I loved the drama too, I should re-watch it. Like I don't have enough dramas I havne't watched yet, lol.

I can't believe I never read that entry of yours before, I think I stalled on the Shige/Koyama part.


meganbmoore March 15 2008, 19:07:01 UTC
You know, I never really thought Sapuri was an office romance, either. It's more about the main characters-Minami, Yuya, the techniclly-otp-interferers, the boss, and his daughter all growing up and realizing they have to look past the limited space they've always looked at. It just has a couple great romances on the side.


winterspel March 15 2008, 20:06:50 UTC
Exactly! :)


betsuni March 15 2008, 20:59:28 UTC
I still haven't touched the first volume of the manga-- but I am planning to once my second volume gets here! I absolutely love this drama and consider it one of my favorites. And what's really awesome is that even my best friend (watched lots of jdramas, didn't like any all that much) fell in love with it.

This is really beautifully written! I want to rewatch it now, guhh!!


winterspel March 16 2008, 18:52:51 UTC
Oh, I really love it so much when the Sapuri fans come out. :D It's definitely one of my favorite, too! I'm so impressed with how much social commentary is packed into it - it's really far more clever than one might think at first glance.

I hope you will like the manga - it's quite different from the drama, but you can see how the director did a terrific job of bringing forward elements from the manga and incorporating them beautifully into the format.

Thank you so much - I'm glad you enjoyed the meta! :)


yamada_taro March 15 2008, 21:33:31 UTC
*ninjas my way in* ^^;;

I'd just like to say that I didn't enjoy Sapuri the first time around I watched it. I thought the character development was bland, the story was too slow-paced in the beginning and that the ending was too rushed to make ends meet. The second time though, I started noticing little subtle details and dialogue that really stood out and had meaning.

It's a shame that most people merely shove this drama aside (I know I did -- had a bad first impression, but Yuya's character really stood out to me, probably because I can somehow relate to his situation) because I really think that they could learn something from this.

Such a beautiful drama. Even after all the time, I still have the soundtrack on my iPod. It'll be there permanently. ;) Thank you for this review! This is exactly what Sapuri is all about.


winterspel March 16 2008, 19:04:28 UTC
No need to ninja! :D I'm so happy to read your comments.

Sapuri is really a drama that benefits from at least a second viewing, if not more. The more I watch it, the more I see, and the more I admire its depth.

It's a shame that most people merely shove this drama aside

It really, really is. But I am heartened by the people who DID give the drama a second chance, even after an unfavorable first impression - universally, everyone has come away loving it after that second viewing. I really think that what we get out of it is absolutely connected to how we approach it.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the review, and like you, the Sapuri OST has a permanent home on my iPod, too. ♥


trance_angel March 15 2008, 22:05:49 UTC
I agree with you, Sapuri isn't really just an 'office romance' type drama. I think the main reason why I loved it so much is that I could related to Yuya...alot(and Minami in ways too). I remember being a "Yuya" at one time of my life....sometimes even now, I feel I'm still trying to work harder to make something more of myself. (Now, I think I'm getting off-topic =P)

I'll have to read your meta!...will comment later on it.^^


winterspel March 16 2008, 19:07:39 UTC
I think the main reason why I loved it so much is that I could related to Yuya...alot(and Minami in ways too). I remember being a "Yuya" at one time of my life....sometimes even now, I feel I'm still trying to work harder to make something more of myself. (Now, I think I'm getting off-topic =P)

I think this is fantastic - it's always wonderful when we can find things in dramas that speak to our personal experiences! And, my dear, you should know by now that your thoughts are never off-topic around here! ♥


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