'1 Pound no Fukuin' comments, episode 4, 5 & 6

Feb 25, 2008 00:48

I never had a chance to write up the last few episodes - it feels a bit weird to be revisiting them now, after time has passed (after all, we're up to episode 7, raw, and 6 subbed, so). But for the sake of completion, and I am a completist at heart, even if not always in practice, here are my thoughts on Ichipon 4-6!

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jdorama: 1 pound no fukuin, kamenashi kazuya 2

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Comments 20

mixmin199 February 25 2008, 06:13:42 UTC
Beautiful comments. <3 Thank you so much for making me love 1 pound more (not that I didn't have enough craziness over it XD)


winterspel February 25 2008, 15:05:37 UTC
Thank you! That is so nice of you to say so! ♥


mangasuki February 25 2008, 06:40:00 UTC
I love this drama too!
I'm so sad that there'll be only 2 episodes to the end (only 9!!!).


winterspel February 25 2008, 15:25:58 UTC
I'll be honest: while I'm truly regretful at not having a gloriously giddy Kame to screencap each week, I'm actually not too sorry that the drama is ending soon because story-wise, I'm just not sure what more they can do with it, or how they could stretch it out. It's thinner than I would have liked in the substance department (but considering that it's a crack drama, I think it came out pretty decently), and if not for Kame and the solid cast, I have a feeling that this drama would have fallen utterly flat.

I'm looking forward to a new drama from Kame! But I suspect we may have to wait quite a while, and maybe not even this year. He has Dream Boys now, and then maybe, maybe there will be a KAT-TUN tour (my fingers are crossed)...so we'll see. :D

Thanks for your comment! :)


lip_stick_love February 25 2008, 10:14:18 UTC
This drama is absolutely bonkers in so many ways - one has to completely ignore the glaring gaps when it comes to the Catholocism side of it, you are absolutely right, but I can get past it, because the cast of characters in this show are so marvellous ( ... )


winterspel February 25 2008, 15:40:06 UTC
That's fabulous - thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the drama! :)

It's such a terrible pity about the ratings, because I agree, the drama is much better than you'd think it would be, and Kame's excellent performance aside, the cast is very solid. I actually like everyone - yes, even Katsumi now, since they fleshed out his character.

I'm so glad you like my comments! Doing the picspams and the write-ups is a labor of love for me - I can't not do them, for myself. :) But it is very nice if others enjoy them, too. :D

So thank you for leaving this message. :D


ladygaia87 February 25 2008, 11:15:03 UTC
Ahh...I didn't read this post really, because I didn't want them to be spoiled, but it reminded me that I'm very bad since I've been neglecting Kame, and especially since I've been neglecting 1 Pound no Fukuin, and I'm in love with the drama too...ahh why was I neglecting it. Thanks for reminding me that there's a few episodes for me to download so I can catch up!! :)


winterspel February 25 2008, 15:41:11 UTC
Go, go, go catch up! :D


aiharu February 26 2008, 00:10:21 UTC
First of all, I'd like to say that I really like this drama because of Kame's acting. But I understand why it is rating low. For one, it's not hard-core boxing enough to attract boxing fans. On the other hand, it's not mainstream ( eg. Galileo ) enough to attract regular viewers ( ... )


aiharu February 26 2008, 00:15:17 UTC
Oh, I forgot to mention. I don't really pay attention to Kame only stuff ( eg drama related-interviews etc..). But I remember Kame saying that for him Kousaku is a simple boy. He eats when he wants to, etc. Kousaku can't control his urges to sacrifice for his dream. And Kame said that he is not like Kousaku at all.


ina February 26 2008, 15:34:58 UTC
Yeah, I think the most telling was Kame's answer to the question for which food he would break a diet and it was "Nothing". His co-stars all mentioned a specific dish.


winterspel February 26 2008, 17:14:13 UTC
I am so glad that you like the drama for Kame's acting. :) For some reason that makes me really happy.

I also understand why the ratings are so low - honestly, I'm not surprised even a tiny bit. And because the ratings are so low, no one will remember or consider how good Kame is at even such a crack role, how much he elevates it...because the horrible ratings trump his ability to create something special with this kind of a story.

And re: Catholicism, I suppose I should have explained in my comments that I do know why they're botching it so badly - not the least of which is because I'm sure that all of this comes straight out of the manga - but culturally speaking, of course, I do know all the reasons you describe. Knowing it doesn't make me less irritated, however! I'm not saying that Western drama is any better at accuracy, but for my own sensibilities, which of course are vastly different from the target viewers of this drama, it's impossible for me to ignore it. It doesn't make the drama "bad" - but it is annoying.


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