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Comments 26

mixmin199 January 25 2008, 15:42:10 UTC
Your comments make me LOVE 1 Pound more - as if I'm still not crazy about it X"D Such a contrary, Rock-EYELINER-NAIL POLISH-Visual Kei! Kame & Idiot-but-too-cute-for-words Kousaku

where is your ctKT II You flailing? 8D


winterspel January 25 2008, 15:48:19 UTC
Awww, thank you! :)

Such a contrary, Rock-EYELINER-NAIL POLISH-Visual Kei! Kame & Idiot-but-too-cute-for-words Kousaku

I KNOW, RIGHT? The contrast is really something else - as I speculated to someone else last night, I wonder if that was the point, to really draw a line and differentiate between Kame-the-idol and Kame-as-dorky-boxer, because the two images are a million miles apart. And I love it. :D

where is your ctKT II You flailing? 8D


(it's just a question of finding time to finish capping, get organized, etc. Time is always my enemy!)


mixmin199 January 25 2008, 16:05:11 UTC
I wonder if that was the point, to really draw a line and differentiate between Kame-the-idol and Kame-as-dorky-boxer, because the two images are a million miles apart. And I love it. :D

me too <3 and I admire how Kame could play both roles so awesome <3<3<3




winterspel January 25 2008, 16:15:10 UTC

You must be one of the few people, then, who doesn't roll their eyes at my ridiculously long picspams! ♥


gyelle9 January 25 2008, 16:03:17 UTC
lol! since i'm a big fan of kame i tend to be more critical of his works (i don't know why). i didn't really find him that funny in the first episode, i was a bit worried for a while there. when i watched the second episode i was a bit more reassured. kousuke (along with the rest of the cast) just cracked me up :P i'm doing a rerun of tatta right now and hiroto is definitely poles apart from kousuke. :) i love how this kid is so talented.


winterspel January 25 2008, 16:11:25 UTC
I consider myself a big fan of Kame, too. :) But with this drama I can't be too critical because it's so lighthearted and stupid that it almost feels like ripping at gossamer webs. He's making my heart squish up and I laugh myself silly (personally I think he's demonstrating terrific comedic flair), which is good enough - I have Sapuri and Tatta Hitosu no Koi, and yes, even Nobuta when I want serious dramatic acting.

i'm doing a rerun of tatta right now and hiroto is definitely poles apart from kousuke. :) i love how this kid is so talented.

Absolutely, I agree with you on both points! :)


gyelle9 January 26 2008, 13:47:30 UTC
i'm not really particular about the drama, it was kame's acting that i usually look out for. yup, after the second episode i sorta felt he can pull off this role smoothly. :) was worried because this time it would be manga-like comedic acting (and we all know that kame isn't really that funny/comedic(?) in real life - although he ocassionally cracks me up in CKT).


rindiggfelt January 25 2008, 16:23:38 UTC
Love your comments! ♥ And I so agree about Yamada DDDD:

... By the way, he's Kousaku. I just noticed you referred to him as Kousuke after I finished reading the whole post :|


winterspel January 25 2008, 16:24:55 UTC
*dies* You're right, I did do that, didn't I? *smacks self* It's called Not Paying Attention.


rindiggfelt January 25 2008, 16:26:45 UTC
You're just distracted by the awesomeness that is Kamenashi Kazuya ;)

And gosh, eyeliner. Anyone would be sidetracked by that *____________*


winterspel January 25 2008, 16:29:48 UTC

(seriously, I tried to finish this last night before going to bed but I WAS DISTRACTED, WHAT. I guess I started off wrong and kept going...:P)


gingifere January 25 2008, 16:28:34 UTC
I really enjoy the way you describe things with this series. I agree with your points about Sister Angela and to a certain extent Kousuke's naivety when it comes to the opposite sex. I really hope they'll explore this because it will give a touch more realism to the drama and help explain how their relationship can develop.

I really, really like the way this drama is moving. It is seriously fast becoming my favourite drama!


winterspel January 25 2008, 16:35:52 UTC
Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun with this drama - it's GORGEOUS to watch Kame handle comedy so well. As well as the sheer physicality required of him, both in terms of the physical humor as well as athletically.

I agree with your points about Sister Angela and to a certain extent Kousuke's naivety when it comes to the opposite sex. I really hope they'll explore this because it will give a touch more realism to the drama and help explain how their relationship can develop.

I agree, particularly regarding Kousaku's idea of wooing a girl. I can see the cracks in Sister Angela, but WHY is he such an idiot in love?

Wait, don't answer that. ;)


mananeh January 25 2008, 17:19:06 UTC
I think my favourite part of this episode was when Kousaku went to ask Sister Angela to leave the convent and move in with him - when he hugs the concrete pillar, hears her voice, and spins around. Or maybe it was Kousaku looking so pathetic after he lost. Or maybe it was when they were having tea and he flopped onto the ground sideways because Sister Angela had moved out of the way.

I'm glad I'm enjoying the series as much as I am! You're right about Kame's comedic flare - he's surprisingly good at being silly.


winterspel January 25 2008, 17:44:30 UTC
You're right about Kame's comedic flare - he's surprisingly good at being silly.

He's totally making me forget that he's Kame, you know. He's inhabiting this role remarkably.

It's hard to choose favorite moments. I love all the ones you mentioned - but I'm just so taken with his giddy double spin around the pillar at the gym (in the beginning). He's like a giddy five-year-old and his naive optimism is so refreshing!

And I love his silly crying!faces - what a difference from tearful Yuya, and so hilariously pathetic.


gyelle9 January 26 2008, 13:56:08 UTC
And I love his silly crying!faces

me too! lol! i now understand what koki was saying about kame's ugly crying face that he saw when they were watching the green mile :D


winterspel January 26 2008, 16:30:08 UTC
i now understand what koki was saying about kame's ugly crying face that he saw when they were watching the green mile :D

If this is what he REALLY looks like when he cries, then yes, not pretty at ALL. But when he cried as Yuya in episode 10 of Sapuri, he was soooo pretty.


... )


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