Comments on eps 4-7 of jdrama 'Bambino!'

Oct 31, 2007 12:54

I went home with a migraine yesterday, ugh. Spending most of the day on the couch in the dark while it's a gorgeous blue-sky day outside is definitely Not My Idea of Fun.

In other news, I've been catching up with jdrama Bambino!. Sadly, We Are Not Amused. To be honest, I am trying to finish watching this drama simply because I'm a completist and I ( Read more... )

jdorama: bambino!, matsumoto jun

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Comments 18

ina October 31 2007, 17:08:49 UTC
I hope you feel better today. I was stuck at home with a strange mixture of cough and migraine myself. Both not so bad in itself, but combined too much for work.

I agree! On the whole jdramas tend to be more unrealistic than American series for example and for the most time I deal with that and often find it quite quirky and charming, but some times they really cross the line. And I think that is the case here.
And I find it quite unfair to Ban to expect him to learn everything by himself. And didn't it also diminish the work of the waiters if it is used in such a way? For me it does feel that way.


winterspel October 31 2007, 17:23:41 UTC
On the whole jdramas tend to be more unrealistic than American series for example and for the most time I deal with that and often find it quite quirky and charming, but some times they really cross the line.

Yes, yes! I agree wholeheartedly. I normally don't mind the silliness, unrealism or over-the-top-ness of jdramas at all. It's part of what endears them to me! But in this drama, it just annoyed me to no end, perhaps partly because I know enough about the restaurant industry to know that Baccanale would never survive, and neither would Ban. So that spoils it a bit for me, even when I see through the transparency of what the writers are trying to do. It's all just written too clumsily so I can't enjoy it enough. And Ban is unbelievably immature most of the time. It's hard to believe he's so naive to think he can get away with his childishness sometimes.

And didn't it also diminish the work of the waiters if it is used in such a way? For me it does feel that way.Yes! Yona actually tries to hint at this at one point - Ban's bad ( ... )


kaiko_uta October 31 2007, 17:20:09 UTC
During that crying-into-the-pasta scene, I was quite distracted, thinking, how does he DO that?! -- tears out, pasta in, tears out, sniffle, pasta in, tears out. What a marvel that MatsuJun is. XD


winterspel October 31 2007, 17:59:22 UTC
During that crying-into-the-pasta scene, I was quite distracted, thinking, how does he DO that?! -- tears out, pasta in, tears out, sniffle, pasta in, tears out. What a marvel that MatsuJun is. XD

You said it! :P *laughs*


ginzarhapsody October 31 2007, 17:37:09 UTC
A lot of your complaints about Bambino! are why I got turned off the drama. Don't get me wrong, I finished it, but only because when I thought I was going to stop watching it was already episode nine or ten and it's an eleven-episode drama, so it was like, "...okay." However, episode eight and nine are solid (particularly episode eight which I enjoyed so much!), so hang in there! :D Though, the ending leaves much to be desired. I mean, I can't remember how it ended off the top of my head! *shakes head*

I was also quite upset about the Ban/Eri relationship they were totally my secondary OTP of that spring season and I loved they way Fukiishi Kazue and MatsuJun played it. I believed in their warmth and awesomeness, which you'll get to see more eventually at the end. :) It's why I loved to cap and icon them so much despite their relationship not being terribly central to the drama.

You know, as of late, Japanese drama producers seem to think that manga-to-drama remakes are what are selling (I don't blame them because with drama! ( ... )


winterspel October 31 2007, 18:20:25 UTC
I'm glad to hear that the next couple episodes are better. :) That middle section was downright painful!

I can totally see why you love Ban & Eri together. It was a very normal, comfortable relationship. Which is why it Could Not Last! It violated all the drama rules! It held the hero back from pursuing his dreams! ;) (I find it ridiculous that in both western and asian drama that this always happens) Ah, well. I'm glad to hear that we'll see a bit more of them.

And your points on the manga-to-drama trend are well taken. I love your analysis, because you pay close attention to the bigger picture. I love these sorts of observations from you! :)

(and incidentally, I thought you'd be interested to know that I've become all fangirly for Fujiki Naohito lately. :D I'm so in love with him in Hotaru no Hikari - his role and his 9th episode angst has been washing the taste of his poor much-abused Tada-san out of my mouth, thank goodness. I even snagged the "Tuning Note" PV and oh, he's so pretty while he's playing his guitar and gazing out ( ... )


ginzarhapsody October 31 2007, 19:33:58 UTC
You have NO IDEA how much it pleases me that you are going fangirly for Fujiki. *hee* :D :D He deserves so much more love than he gets, both as a fabulous actor and a wonderful music artist. *claps* And "Tuning Note" is such an adorably CUTE song lyrically, it makes me fuzzy for Fujiki so much more. *hearts* I also enjoyed his turn in Hotaru no Hikari a great deal, despite not be able to like the drama as much as I wanted to. :)


winterspel October 31 2007, 19:40:56 UTC
You have NO IDEA how much it pleases me that you are going fangirly for Fujiki.

Eeee! I now have an inkling! :) And your icon is lovely...I've been making icons from Hotaru no Hikari every now and then because I can't help myself (I'm in love with Ayase, too), but of course, I have no room to actually use any of them! *laugh* I think HnH just might be my favorite summer drama - yes, even more than Papa to Musume no Nanokakan!


darkeyedwolf October 31 2007, 17:43:14 UTC
I really loved certain aspects of Bambino (a drama where the main character can't clench his fists and magically become the best at X after a single determined montage! I never thought I'd see the day *g*) but sometimes the staff's attitude toward Ban bothered me so much -- they just threw him to the wolves and went "ah, youth~" when he struggled, IT DROVE ME NUTS. Sure, Ban was clumsy and inexperienced and kind of hopeless, but he wasn't untrainable! He was eager to learn! And he always did his best when someone actually spared him two seconds and told him what was expected of his job, instead of just sticking him in a server's uniform and pushing him through the door. a;sdfjfdklsjfsdfjdf


winterspel October 31 2007, 18:05:00 UTC
Sure, Ban was clumsy and inexperienced and kind of hopeless, but he wasn't untrainable! He was eager to learn! And he always did his best when someone actually spared him two seconds and told him what was expected of his job, instead of just sticking him in a server's uniform and pushing him through the door.

No kidding - I've seen restaurant profiles where they drill their servers over and over again on correct and meticulous service. In as posh a place as Baccanale appears to be (especially considering that they have so many servers for that size of a dining room! o.O), it's utterly unbelievable that they would toss him out there to fend for himself. It's not in their business interests to do so! It makes everyone look bad, and for what? So Ban can learn for himself? It's just sloppy writing. I was rolling my eyes when Shishido was amused while Ban was getting told off by Miyuki. Haha, it's so funny that the puppy made a mess, see what he cost the restaurant, haha. Riiiiight.

I really loved certain aspects of Bambino (a drama ( ... )


xshinystars October 31 2007, 21:03:20 UTC
I hope you're feeling better now~ It's definitely is a nice day today~ :)

I finished the drama a while ago, but only now do I realize all of what you said. I probably was looking at the food a little too much. xDIt's true that a lot of dramas lately are unrealistic, but then again, most of these are based of mangas.

The last few episodes are much better though, no spoilers!


winterspel October 31 2007, 21:11:23 UTC
I am indeed feeling better today, thanks!

The photogenic food in Bambino! is definitely attractive, and they make me WANT to love this drama, especially considering how food-obsessed I am, but on the other hand, I just know too much about restaurants to be able to accept the unrealism. Like I said to ina - usually I don't mind unrealism in jdramas - it's part of their charm. But with this drama, it makes me want to bash my head into a wall! ;)

I'm very glad to hear that the last few episodes are better and that hopefully I've survived the worst. *laugh* I wanted to like this drama much more than I do.


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