Beyond the Image: 'Golden Ratios' - a photography exhibition by Christopher Lanczycki

Dec 04, 2006 16:42

As a personal note, and a preface to this post, I have to say that I live for moments of inspiration. When I see or hear something magnificent, it gives me such a high that I can float on it for a long time. And I want to jump up and down and shout it out to the world so they can experience it, too. I've had this feeling before for various things ( Read more... )

art, math art, art: photography

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Comments 14

nutmeg3 December 4 2006, 21:50:26 UTC
Those are fascinating. I wish I could have seen the actual exhibit. And...I remember (and still love) candy dots, so that image was one of the most powerful for me, simply because it's one of the most personal. He's one truly talented guy.


winterspel December 5 2006, 15:51:32 UTC
Eeee! I was really hoping that you and baleanoptera would take a look at this, and looky, you two are the first two commenters, yay! Thanks for checking it out, and I'm really glad you like them.

I wish you could see the exhibit, too! They lose a lot in the digital image, and they are much more effective hanging on the wall together.


baleanoptera December 4 2006, 22:09:16 UTC
These are amazing! Thank you for sharing. You are right in that they require thought though, but good art should do that. ;) I like the clearness of the images, and that they feel a little like playing cards with each card representing a different value.

And yes, I did a little double take when I saw the Swedish and the Norwegian money, right there next to Brazil and Canada.


winterspel December 5 2006, 15:56:00 UTC
As I was just telling nutmeg3, I was hoping the two of you would check this out, and I'm so pleased that you did, and also that you like them! Thank you so much for taking the time. :)

And yes, I did a little double take when I saw the Swedish and the Norwegian money, right there next to Brazil and Canada.

The benefits of knowing the right people *grin*...our Swedish friend znufkinhad the Swedish & Norwegian money (and I suspect the Brazilian money also came from her trip to Brazil this year).


alexandral December 4 2006, 23:48:13 UTC
I am fascinated by the concept. It is interesting that everything is represented in economic/material examples of value. As you say, everyone has their own vision on the subject.


winterspel December 5 2006, 15:59:48 UTC
It is interesting that everything is represented in economic/material examples of value.

Yes, this is the central conceit, that goes back to the Golden Ratio as explained in the first image. The whole collection is about value and how it is relative and who defines these things. This is one reason why I love "89 The Economics of Role Models" so much: the salary of an average Amercian football player versus the salaries of SO MANY average school teachers...these are economic representations, but phi is intangible - what do we value more and HOW do we value it? I think that is what many of the images challenge us to ask. And with some of them, like "89 The Economics of Role Models" I believe that it also challenges to consider the morality of the equation.


jigsawangel December 5 2006, 02:24:09 UTC
Wow thank you for sharing and a huge Congrats to Chris! Those were some really stunning images. I especially loved the candy dots....though I was never a huge fan I feel the longing and comfort of stolen happy moments in days gone by. By the way I talked to your mom today *warm fuzzies* unfortunately my phone was dying so it was brief but lovely. Send all the best to Nicola for me. Oh if you want to be further inspired check out I saw the exhibit a couple of years ago and it was beyond words.


winterspel December 5 2006, 16:02:52 UTC
Hi sweetie! I'm awfully glad that you like these images! Thanks for taking a look.

I AM SO GLAD YOU TALKED TO MY MOM. She really misses you sometimes. :) You're like another daughter to her, you know. :)

Thanks for the link! I will take a look.

Love you lots, honey! *hugs*


<blushes> icajoleu December 5 2006, 20:05:31 UTC
Anyone remember the catch phrase from the silly 80's show "The A-Team"? 'I love it when a plan comes together!'. I really was worried noone would get it w/o a half-hour seminar. And it's even better when others concur that the plan came together, too, so thanks for the comments and of course to winterspel for being sufficiently inspired to pimp my photos and gush as only she can gush :-) For someone who is as thoughtful as she to make such comments is a rare reward!!

I should say that the above are early rough images; the final exhibited images have been cleaned up a bit. Particularly '1', which used a very rough and dirty burn in the upper half of the sky. I'll have to update the online versions now that I have "final versions"!


Re: <blushes> winterspel December 6 2006, 11:34:42 UTC
I only gush when it's totally deserved, so I hope you feel proud of yourself for what I consider to be a truly incredible achievement. For any thoughtful, discerning person, this collection will be something they can really chew on - I love art (in all its forms: the written word, music, film, etc.) that must be re-examined and revisited in order to be best enjoyed. I love depth and you infused your collection with it in spades. These are not just pretty pictures, although they are quite attractive - rather they are challenges.


Pretty please will you update the online versions? That would be so awesome! :D


Re: <blushes> icajoleu December 12 2006, 22:16:33 UTC
Not partularly timely, but as requested I updated the online versions of the pix at
Ciao for now!


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