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Comments 29

aka... forbidden love! :D catdecember August 13 2006, 08:31:48 UTC
i'm skimming your review because i really want to see this. my mom was supposed to send it over through my aunt but she forgot. :(

i also love the song, Utada's First Love. i didnt even know it was the opening theme, but i've loved that even way back. :)


Re: aka... forbidden love! :D winterspel August 13 2006, 14:22:31 UTC
Do watch it - it's lovely and Takki is pretty amazing. And that Utada song is so beautiful and haunting. I'm addicted to it! The soundtrack uses both the original song but there are various instrumental arrangements as well, and they're all lovely.

I hope you like when you get to finally watch it!


Re: aka... forbidden love! :D catdecember August 14 2006, 06:19:40 UTC
i'm this close to buying it since i dont have the patience to download. ;)


Re: aka... forbidden love! :D je12_vz09 August 13 2006, 18:46:32 UTC
Chrissie, it's a really good one to see. i mean, if ur to choose 1 jdorama of Tackey to watch, this should be it.

... Tita Cho 4got to send it?! nande?! weishenme?! sayang! i could've inserted a copy on the mags i sent u... it's a must see!!


Reposted b/c I forgot to ask something else koalathebear August 13 2006, 08:31:48 UTC

Basically Hikaru and Michi set up house in a tiny cheap apartment in the town near Hikaru's favorite beach, and because he's injured, she gets a job working the fish docks. Later, she finds out she's pregnant with Hikaru's baby, she ends up going to jail twice for corrupting a minor, Hikaru even breaks up with her (to keep her out of jail) and goes to L.A. to study. He comes back when Michi disappears and Kinoshita calls him back to Japan. There is betrayal, more angusish, another breakup, and worse, they throw in life-threatening complications with Michi's pregancy and two near-miscarriages.Did I menton that Hikaru's mother becomes suicidal and almost kills both of them with poisoned wine?Sorry I just LOVED that bit :) I know you didn't mean to be funny but I couldn't stop laughing. I must know though - do they end up together in the end ( ... )


Re: Reposted b/c I forgot to ask something else winterspel August 13 2006, 14:30:32 UTC
Heee! Well, when I wrote all that, I must admit I was trying for a little snark, just in illustrating how absurd it was to lay the angst on so thickly. Really, I'm not sure they could have done more if they'd wanted to! That's partly why I liked the first half of the dorama a bit better than the second half. The first half, while still frought with difficulties, had all the warmth and glow of falling in love and the second half was just one challenge and setback after another ( ... )


Re: Reposted b/c I forgot to ask something else koalathebear August 13 2006, 14:34:13 UTC
Oh boohoo, I was afraid you were to say that. That site is blocked to China - censorship. Presumably anything with a .cjb doman is blocked.

I used anonymouse to access the site but you can't download when you use anonymouse. I was hoping you had found a different site :P


Re: Reposted b/c I forgot to ask something else winterspel August 13 2006, 14:36:47 UTC
Oh, bother! The other place to visit is here. :( Sorry about that...


dangermousie August 13 2006, 09:37:33 UTC
I didn't read this, because this is a rare dorama I want to be unspoiled for, but the pictures looked beautiful. Can't wait to read this.

Btw, I thought I was the only one up this late. Note to self; never drink double espressos before going to sleep :)


winterspel August 13 2006, 14:33:09 UTC
I hope you like it! I just found it beautiful, romantic and touching. The second half was a bit too angsty for me, but you will probably like it just fine. :)

I'm insane - I've gone to bed after 3 am three days in a row. And I am incapable of sleeping in, so yeah, I'm pretty tired right now.

Hope you enjoy the Bollywood film today! :)


paker_potpot August 13 2006, 13:25:45 UTC
this was my 2nd jdorama right after Pride. and i admit, i really didn't like it. i thought the plot (younger man-older woman) was cliche but having Takizawa in it is loooooooove. :D but then again, i guess i was just bitter 'coz Nanako had the chance to 'molest' Tackey. hahaha. :D

i hope you don't mind, i saved the cap you made..the one where Tackey and Nanako are in bed. IT IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL.i just couldn't resist so i made it my pc's wallpaper. ;p


winterspel August 13 2006, 14:41:37 UTC
I don't mind the older woman/younger man plot at all - really, I don't care about the plot so long as it is executed well. I just want the story and characters to be good.

i guess i was just bitter 'coz Nanako had the chance to 'molest' Tackey. hahaha. :D

I must be very unusual then (because I've heard others say similar things) - I don't care at all! I say bring it on! I sure don't want Takki for myself, but I enjoy seeing all of these beautiful boys (and men) getting it on with other lovely ladies. Well, unless I don't like the leading lady, which is one of my big problems with Pride.

I am SO GLAD that you like that image of them in bed together! My heart squishes every time I see it. It's one of my favorite moments in the whole dorama - the way his hand comes up to gently hold her head is so touching.


paker_potpot August 13 2006, 16:28:49 UTC
really? you don't like Aki? i'm assuming you like Matsu Takako more 'coz most of the people i know who don't like Takeuchi Yuko liked her more. :D

and i agree with you on the ending part of this drama. it got cut off all of a sudden. and Michi waking up after a year in coma just in time when Tackey was at her side? ugh.

about the older woman-younger man thing, it's just me i guess. the concept doesn't sit well with me. but the actors were good especially Tackey, who at a very young age was given a major role and was given the chance to act alongside great actresses such as Matsushima Nanako and Kuroki Hitomi.

I must be very unusual then (because I've heard others say similar things) - I don't care at all!

i don't think it's unusual. it's the fangirl in me, i guess. haha.

and another cap, the last one before they made love in the library..see how Michi had her hand on Hikaru's neck? it shows who's in control in the relationship. hahaha. :D


miyamiaki August 13 2006, 14:59:26 UTC
Natsukashi!!! O(≧∇≦)O I watched Majo no Jouken when I was in middle school, and totally fell in love with Takki and Matsushima Nanako because of this drama! ♥

It was nice to see screencaps and read through the story again. Now I have an urge to hear Hikki's First Love again. Hugs to you for the lovely review and screencaps. ♥


winterspel August 13 2006, 15:08:14 UTC
It was nice to see screencaps and read through the story again. Now I have an urge to hear Hikki's First Love again. Hugs to you for the lovely review and screencaps. ♥

Awww, thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. For me, labor of love and all that, but it's nice when others can enjoy these things too.

Of course as I've been replying to people, I've thought of other comments I wanted to make and forgot because I was so tired. For example, it's interesting that Michi is often dressed in white or other light colored clothes - as though to indicate the purity and innocence of her feelings toward Hikaru.

And also, aside from the sex in the library and the snuggly moment in the hotel, we never see the couple as sexual partners again. Their relationship is portrayed as fairly chaste and innocent - instead of merely a carnal affair. I wouldn't have minded a bit more of the carnal, though - just for realism's sake. ;)


miyamiaki August 13 2006, 18:33:17 UTC
You're right, they did symbolize their relationship in a chaste way! And I never noticed the significance of the colors until you mentioned it. It's really interesting how you can analyze dramas the way you can a book, that never really occured to me as an option for some reason.


winterspel August 13 2006, 18:40:32 UTC
It's really interesting how you can analyze dramas the way you can a book, that never really occured to me as an option for some reason.

Ha ha! Well, I analyze everything - it comes with the territory as far as I go. ;) After doing it in college, I discovered that I genuinely love analysis, so it comes out everywhere. In any case, you can do it a lot more than you'd think with doramas! That's partly because (as far as I know) they are often written by one person, and have a single director whose vision is seen throughout the entire work (and as I'm learning, the source is sometimes textual as in mangas).


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