2010 Winter Games Kink Meme
Part 2
I never really expected this to take off so well, let alone end up with 4000+ comments. Now it's time for part 2!
The rules have been re-vamped for this. Please be sure to read them.
If you do not follow the rules, this may result in your post being removed.
1. We are all here to have a little fun. Am I right?
Therefore, trolling will not be tolerated.
If you don't like this sort of party, take yourself elsewhere.
There has been a lot of this going on so that's why I'm addressing it first.
- Please remain anonymous at all times. This keeps the mysterious spirit to the meme.
- One kink per comment. I cannot stress this enough. Each idea deserves it's own little circle of attention.
- If you are inspired by someone else's prompt, DO NOT hijack.
This can result in the OP not getting the fill they really wished for.
Post your own prompts in another comment.
- Be concise and to the point when making a request.
Do not include anything that is not relevant (ie, Captacha phrases).
- Do not post the same prompt twice.
Please read back through the comments to see if something has been requested before.
- To save comment space, when a request receives 3 nthing comments, that's where it will end.
- Please remain anonymous at all times.
You are free to post your work elsewhere and post a link for the OP, just remain anon while doing so.
- Please be sure to label your fill as such in the subject line.
This makes it much easier to not skip over a fill while scrolling through.
- Multiple fills per request are fine.
- Fan art is welcome.
- Please be sure to post your fills over at
this entry.
- To save comment space, keep discussions/conversations to a minimum.
A potential filler asking the OP for clarification, etc., is perfectly okay. Anything frivolous will be removed.
- Remain anonymous at all times.
- If you make a request, please try to fill at least one other request.
Everyone wants their request filled and we'd all love to see more fic.
- If you enjoy a fill, leave a comment! It's good manners and also encourages the fillers to fill more!
- If this and any subsequent posts reach 5000 comments, the post will not be allowed any more requests.
Authors and artists may continue to post fills at the post, but no new requests will be taken there.
- Anyone wishing to link to a comm or archive, please contact me via email or the suggestions post. I'll be more than happy to add the link to the main page sidebar.
- Any question, concerns, or suggestions should all be directed to the email on the profile or to
this post.
Please remember, guys. I'm only one person and I'm only human. If something is going on that does not follow the guidelines above, please send me an email, message, anything. I will address the issue as soon as time allows.
Thank you so much for all of your participation!
Flat Comment Page here.
Prompting is no longer allowed on this post.
Speed Skating is here. Other Sports and Crossovers are here.
Figure Skating is here.