ent_alter_ego: Happier Memories (Jack/Ten) [NC-17]

May 09, 2009 15:22

Jack and the Doctor were being held prisoner on a very large, hexagonal bed surrounded by an energy field. The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver had been confiscated, along with Jack’s stun gun. When their captors - scientists of some sort - explained the terms for their release, Jack actually grinned. He’d visit this prison any day. The Doctor, on the other hand, looked as though he’d been told getting out would require killing an innocent person and eating their heart besides. He had hastily moved as far from Jack as possible, where he’d been sulking for five minutes.

“Would it really be that bad to have sex with me?” asked Jack at last.

He got a dubious glare in response.

“Then they let us go, and if you want we can forget it ever happened.”

There would be no forgetting, if he read the Doctor’s expression correctly.

Making his voice light, he added with a wink, “Or we could go back to the TARDIS and make happier memories.”

“You’ll make happier memories with anything, Jack,” replied the Time Lord unhappily.

Suddenly the entire basis of Jack Harkness’s world shifted. Was it even possible? It seemed like the Doctor wasn’t bothered so much by the idea of having sex with him; it was the idea of having meaningless sex with him that the Doctor couldn’t abide.

Well, damn.

He scooted closer to the Doctor, but was careful to leave a foot of space between them. “You know,” he said, “last week when we saw the Elkosian version of Casablanca, I actually enjoyed myself. A three and a half hour movie without sex scenes or special effects, and I had a good time.” Because the Doctor had been enjoying himself so much, how could Jack not be happy?

The Doctor gave him an uncomprehending stare, and Jack realized he’d have to spell it out more. “What I’m trying to say is, if we do this, it doesn’t just have to be to get out, or because I like sex. It could be because I think you’re much more than sexy.”

In the wake of that admission, Jack had to remind himself to breathe.

“This,” said the Doctor tentatively, “isn’t something I would do with anyone else. But it’s been a long time, Jack. A very long time. I-”

Euphoric, Jack leaned in and kissed him. He was gentle, and the Doctor passively accepted the kiss. Just when Jack was starting to worry, the Doctor began kissing him back, tentatively, like… well, like someone who hadn’t participated in a good make-out session in a few hundred years. So Jack took care not to be too aggressive. He flicked his tongue between the Doctor’s lips, and was thrilled when the Doctor let him in.

And then the Doctor slipped his own tongue in Jack’s mouth - probably using some spare brainpower to do a taste analysis - and Jack’s blood hurried to his groin. He thought he’d better pause before things went further than the Time Lord wanted.

Pulling away with great regret, he asked softly, “What do you want?”

The Doctor studied him for a moment, weighing his answer. “You,” he said, as open as Jack had ever seen him. “But not only now, and not only in bed.”

Jack doubted he’d ever smiled so widely. “You already have me.” When the Doctor grinned, a bit surprised, Jack lay on his side and tugged the Doctor down next to him. He ran his fingers through the Doctor’s spiky hair - a gesture more intimate than he’d dreamed it would be possible for him to make- and traced random patterns on the back of his neck.

“Your pheromones are giving you away, Jack,” stated the Doctor matter-of-factly.

“Oh really? What are they saying?”

“That you think we have too much clothing on.”

Her chuckled. “Not quite, Doc. It’s all part of the fun.” He certainly didn’t want to rush this after fantasizing about it for so long.

The Doctor looked vaguely apologetic. “I’m sorry, I don’t -”

“Don’t be sorry.” He kissed the Doctor’s forehead.

“But I don’t know anything about human sexual behavior. Well, that’s not quite true, I know a lot, but not specifics, to be put into practice, so…”

Jack put a finger on the Doctor’s lips. “I don’t know anything about Time Lord sex either. We’ll learn together.”

The Doctor gave him an adorable smile and stuck his tongue out just long enough to lick Jack’s finger. “You really do have fascinating pheromones, Captain.”

“You haven’t seen the half of it.” He pulled the Doctor close so their bodies were touching and began a slow, leisurely exploration of the Time Lord’s mouth. While warmer than the rest of him, it was still quite cool. Jack loved it. Meanwhile the Doctor was working on a very methodological pattern of feeling Jack’s mouth, back and forth. His tongue was longer than a human’s, which added to the excitement.

It all seemed a bit dreamlike to Jack. There he was, on a ridiculously large bed, kissing the Doctor with clear intent for more than just kissing. The Doctor, amazing, wonderful Time Lord that he was, actually wanted him, after Jack thinking the Doctor would never look at him that way. And it wasn’t just sex - which alone was more than Jack had dared hope for. They were going to have a relationship. No doubt it would be complicated, and sometimes frustrating as hell, but it would be the best thing that ever happened to Jack. Because this was the Doctor, and Jack loved him.

He slipped the Doctor’s suit jacket off his shoulders and finally got rid of it altogether, tossed somewhere on the other side of the bed. Much better.

Suddenly the Doctor stopped. “It doesn’t bother you that they’re sitting behind a camera watching us?”

“No. Thought it’d bother you, though.”

“The Gar’aseeans are only sexually aroused during one week every year, and this isn’t it.”

“So what you’re saying is we’re lab rats, not live porn.”

“More or less, yeah.”

Jack personally would have preferred to be live porn rather than a lab rat, but the Doctor seemed surprisingly alright with the situation because the Gar’aseeans were purely interested in them for research, so Jack thought the best course of action was to run with it. He slid his braces off and, following that signal to keep going, let the Doctor roll onto him and pick up where his oral examination had left off. That position conveniently allowed him to feel the Doctor’s erection pressed up against him, which only fueled Jack’s.

His lover - oh, Jack really liked thinking of the Doctor as his lover - moved to unbutton his own shirt, but Jack stopped him. “Let me.” He unbuttoned slowly, trailing his hands down each time to the next button, exposing the Doctor’s chest and abs. Skinny, but, as Jack was aware, still formidable. When at last the shirt fell open, he held his hands out and just skimmed the Doctor’s skin while removing his shirt.

The Doctor was more perfunctory about taking off Jack’s shirt, but as soon as he lifted off the undershirt his nostrils flared and he licked his lips. Pheromones again. Jack would never have guessed it was so sexy to watch a Time Lord analyze his pheromones.

They spent several minutes kissing and petting each other, getting to know unfamiliar territory. Jack loved every second of it, feeling the Doctor’s double heartbeat skin-to-skin. It was exhilarating in the way sex could only be when you cared deeply about your partner.

He moved his hands down and starting groping the Doctor’s ass. That earned him a breathy “Mmmm,” which had to be one of the sexiest sounds he’d heard in decades. Encouraged, he rolled out from under the Doctor and took advantage of his lover’s surprise to make short work of both their pants. Now the underwear had to go. Jack always wore underwear when they left the TARDIS now, after a painful incident where his pants were cut off on a very cold planet. The Doctor, eyes gleaming, said, “Go on.”

Jack grinned and slowly, deliberately eased down his underwear until he was completely naked. While the Doctor did his whole pheromone-enjoying bit, Jack took off the Time Lord’s underwear. He was surprised - and even more turned on - at what he saw. While the Doctor was similar to human anatomy (Jack had slept with species that were far more different), his entire penis was covered in ridges, rings of them in groups of three. Jack really hoped the Doctor liked topping, because at some point he definitely wanted that in him. Pity they didn’t have any lube.

He kissed the Doctor again, pinning him on the bed. Of course the Doctor had the strength to resist, but he was enjoying himself and didn’t. “Mmm, Jack.”

“You are amazing,” he whispered in reply. “And so fucking sexy.”

Teasing the Doctor’s nipples with his fingers didn’t get much of a reaction, but that was alright, because Jack’s tongue had discovered a particular spot on the Doctor’s bottom lip which was quite sensitive. He gently ran his teeth over it and found himself with an armful of highly aroused, squirming Time Lord.

“You know, this learning together business, it’s going to be brilliant.”

“Oh yeah.” With that, he began licking the Doctor’s cock - and damn, those ridges were a huge turn-on.

For all that he could ramble most of the time, the Doctor was oddly quiet during sex. He did, however, make some sexy little moans. Since it had been centuries for the Doctor, Jack figured this round would be over pretty fast. That was alright, though. They certainly had plenty of time.

He had the head of the Doctor’s cock in his mouth when he felt a puff of air, heard an awfully sexy whimper, and the Doctor began to soften.

When he looked up, questioning his lover without words, Jack was informed, “Time Lord sperm is ejaculated in a gaseous mixture at high speed.”

“Was that good?” Jack couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had to check that his partner was satisfied in bed. It was a little unnerving.

“Very. I… Time Lords, we can’t climax without some psychic stimulation as well.”

“Psychic stimulation?” It was a bit hard to concentrate on the conversation when the Doctor started playing with his nipples, clearly intrigued by Jack’s reaction.

“Specifically, the emotions of our partner. I lowered my psychic shields just enough to pick up your strongest projections. Probably should’ve told you before, but when you…”

“It’s okay,” he said, now distracted by the Doctor fondling his balls. “I don’t mind. There’s no reason for you not to know I love you.”

Reassured, the Doctor took half of Jack’s penis in his mouth at once and hummed. “Doctor!” Apparently, Time Lords weren’t much for foreplay. Then Jack’s orgasm took over and rational thought left him for a moment. While he was coming, he suddenly felt a burst of… oh. Oh, it was the Doctor, and even though his love felt a little different (to be expected) it was absolutely, definitely love.

As soon as Jack regained control over his movements, he kissed his Doctor. The energy field crackled and disappeared, but they kissed for a minute longer anyway. Because they had all the time in the universe, but Jack still wasn’t about to waste an opportunity to kiss the Doctor.

Then again, in the TARDIS there were many more possibilities afforded to them by the wonders of lubricant…

pair: jack/10th doctor, author: ent_alter_ego, fanfic, challenge: pr0n

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