Title: A Secret Flat in Cardiff (3/3)
vail_kagami Challenge: Domesticity
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Torchwood Series 2 Finale
Warnings: Slight creepiness on Jack's part, dark.
Summary: When Jack told her about he dangerous alien locked up in a special prison, this was not what Gwen had expected.
As far as Jack was concerned, the way back to Cardiff had
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Comments 17
I honestly did not see that coming. What was most disturbing were Jack's thoughts on the Doctor being so open, making friends so easily and Gwen and Rhys' concern.
I don't know what was worse- the actual violence or the near passive enforcement of the Doctor's incarceration. It's all bad and from what I have learned pure and delicious vail_kagami :D
You did an awesome job on Jack's introspection here. It feel so much like him (in a desperate, half-insane way).
Which is to say, this was very good and I'd love to keep reading. :) Dark!Jack isn't usually my cuppa (even when he's only moderately dark), but you write him so well. :)
Poor Doctor, he'll go ballistic when he finds out, he'll be so betrayed by the other, and he can't even kill Jack for revenge. Not that he would kill, but still.
Who knows - he might go crazy on Jack and kill him anyway.Not likely, but you never know.
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