Title: Five Days in Dry Dock, 1/5
sahiyaPairing/Rating: R, Jack/Ten
Word Count: 2200 this part; about 13,000 overall
Disclaimer: Not mine! They belong to Rusty and the BBC.
Summary: The TARDIS needs an overhaul. Jack needs a few days to put himself back together, physically and mentally. Even without a mortgage, it borders on domestic, but the
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Comments 20
Love your icon, btw. So friggin' Ten. :-)
I think you typed "hopeless" when you clearly meant "awesome!"
Love this!
And so far it doesn't disappoint. Absolutely wonderful stuff. Of course Jack's still very sick - just as well he didn't stay on Glaxon 3, yes? - and I love the Doctor taking care of him. So much for the two of them working on the TARDIS together, though! Poor Doctor, forced to do domestic, and discovering that even if he's getting very slightly itchy feet he can cope.
Such perfect little details, such as how Jack's room has changed, and how Nine would have behaved in a similar circumstance. Oh, and on the room, tiny typo:
complete with discrete metal loops at all four corners
Think you mean discreet. Discrete = separate, distinctive. Discreet = done with discretion.
And the subtle affection, together with the subtle indicators that Jack is doing his best to forgive:
The Doctor hesitated, then found Jack's hand where it lay, limp and damp with sweat, outside the covers. He laced their fingers together. "You'll both be right as rain again in a few ( ... )
I did, in fact, mean "discreet." Thanks!
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