rubychan05: Five New Year's Resolutions Jack Didn't Keep (And One He Did) [Multiple] [PG-13]

Jan 25, 2008 22:35

Title: Five New Year's Resolutions Jack Didn't Keep (And One He Did)
Author: rubychan05
Challenge: New Year
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/warnings:  All New Who. All TW up to 2x01
Summary: He keeps making promises. They're always just out of his reach.

Five New Year's Resolutions Jack Didn't Keep (And One He Did)

He wakes up the morning after his first big ( Read more... )

pair: jack/9th doctor, pair: jack/10th doctor, author: rubychan05, challenge: new year, fanfic

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Comments 9

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rubychan05 January 28 2008, 08:11:22 UTC
Oh God...before we go any further, I've now officially fallen in love with your icon! It's...gah. No words.

And sorry if it made you sad. ^_^ I love Doctor/Jack all the way, but somehow I can't see Jack just running back to him now like he used to...

Thanks for commenting!


hence_the_name January 26 2008, 00:46:25 UTC
I'm getting the TW DVDs any day now, and after I see that, I'm sure I'll appreciate this even more. But I wanted to say, it's very well-written and the parts that I did get, very true to Jack's character and to all the complications in his relationship with the Doctor, especially his conflicted feelings on the Valiant. Thanks for writing!


rubychan05 January 28 2008, 08:13:33 UTC
Aww, thanks for the lovely comment! If it's your first time watching TW when you gets the DVDs, you should love Cyberwoman, They Keep Killing Suzie, Captain Jack Harkness and End Of Days.

(Although you may turn into a Janto fan too....dear me)



veta_black January 26 2008, 04:53:13 UTC
I really love this, it's rare to see so many ships given equal justice.


rubychan05 January 29 2008, 17:30:13 UTC
That's the thing with Jack...he's good with everybody! You won't believe the trouble I've had keeping Jack/Ianto out of all my previous Doctor/Jack fics...

Thanks for commenting!


nightrider101 January 27 2008, 01:23:54 UTC
Oh, this was painfully gorgeous. I freely admit that I'm a Doctor/Jack shipper all the way, but you gave each pairing justice with this offering. I can definitely see why Jack might need some time after the Valiant. I know I would. Thank you so much for sharing!


rubychan05 January 29 2008, 17:37:15 UTC
Thanks for the lovely comment!

I'm a sucker for most Jack/? pairings, ever since I fell in love with Doctor/Jack, so I couldn't help myself here!

Love the icon...I've seen a mood theme of that somewhere around, I'm sure...hysterical!


ivy_b February 7 2008, 19:07:38 UTC
I don't mind that resolution. Cause the Doctor can jump 80 years into the future and get Jack when he's alone. Until then, Jack should be with Ianto, cause Ianto would treat him right. I loved this fic!


rubychan05 March 3 2008, 21:00:41 UTC
Good point - and everyone will be happy!

Thanks for commenting!


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