This is the spoileriffic prompt collection post for the
Winter Companions fest - comment here to leave any prompts that contain spoilers for Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and/or Last of the Time Lords.
here instead if you want to leave prompts that don't contain any spoilers for these episodes.
You don't have to participate in the fest itself to leave prompts, and you can leave as many as you like.
Prompts can be simple - just a phrase, a word, an item, or a quote - or more complex, like a scenario you'd like to see. You can make general prompts, or ones that are specifically for fic, for art, or for vidding (or anything else you'd like to see). Don't use more than 50 words, though - inspire people, don't do their writing for them.
Prompt submission will be open from now until July 23rd, midnight GMT (
when is that?). On July 24th, we'll post the full list of prompts, again in two posts, one with and one without spoilers for the finale.
Don't forget to pimp - the more prompts, the better!