2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest - Rules

Feb 22, 2011 16:08

The 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest is a fest for all things Doctor/Jack - fic, art, vids or anything else you feel inspired for, so long as it pairs the Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness. Any Doctor (including 10.5); any version of Jack (and yes, a version from Pete's world or the would count).

This is how it works:

Phase 1: Prompts
From now until February 28th, midnight GMT (when is that?) we'll be collecting prompts for the fest.

There are two prompt collection posts - one for general prompts, one for prompts that contain spoilers for the unaired series 6 of Doctor Who or series 4 of Torchwood. Anyone can submit prompts, whether you plan to join the fest itself or not.

Here is the spoiler-free prompt collection post - comment there to leave your general prompts.

Here is the spoilery prompt collection post - comment there to leave any prompts that contain spoilers for Doctor Who series 6 or Torchwood series 4.

You can submit as many prompts as you like. The more, the better!

Prompts can be simple - just a phrase, a word, an item, or a quote - or more complex, like a scenario you'd like to see. Shorter is better, though - the prompts need to fit on the bingo card, after all. Please don't use more than 40 words max.

Phase 2: Bingo cards!
On March 1st, we'll be posting the full list of prompts, with the spoilery prompts hidden.

Then you can request a Bingo card - we'll generate one for you with a random selection of prompts, either with or without spoilery ones, whichever you prefer.

ETA: Request your Bingo card here!

Phase 3: Writing/creating
Once you have your Bingo card you have two months to write/create as many entries as you can, and hopefully reach Bingo! No worries, we won't hunt you down and throw you into the nearest black hole if you don't quite get there. The most important thing is to have fun with it. :)

You have until April 30th to write, vid or otherwise create your entries. If you sign up right at the start, that means you have two months - but you can also come in later and join in. Whenever you want, just comment to request a Bingo card. (Or a second Bingo card!) And write or create as many entries as you like.

(Of course you're also free to simply pick any prompt you like from the list and write/create for it without a Bingo card, if you prefer.)

Absolutely anything goes, so long as it involves Doctor/Jack. No other restrictions, apart from common sense. (Which is to say - no character bashing, please!)

You can use more than one prompt for one entry, including prompts that aren't on your card, but it will only count as a fill for one prompt, one square on your card. And there's no length or size requirement - from drabble to epic, from icons to wallpaper to painting, it's all good. Don't worry - it's perfectly legitimate to achieve Bingo with drabbles!

Please remember that this is a Doctor/Jack fest - some of the prompts may deal with events that don't involve one or the other of them, or mention other characters/pairings, but your story must focus on Jack and the Doctor. Other characters and pairings can play a role, of course.

Once you're done with an entry, post your fic/artwork/vid/... to this community - we ask that you please don't post it elsewhere while the fest runs, but you'll be free to repost it in your own space afterwards. (And of course feel free to crosspost announcements now! The more people you bring here, the better. Who knows, they may even decide to join in. :D)

Please include the following header info when you post to the comm:

Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used:

Please use the following format for your subject line:

username: Title (Pairing) [Rating]

When you post your entry, make sure anything spoilery is hidden behind a cut or spoiler code, including any spoilery prompts, and please tag your story with the "challenge: 2011 bingo" tag and any other appropriate tags from the list. (You can find the full list of tags in the sidebar, or just click here.)

Phase 4: Bingo!
On May 1st, we'll be posting a masterlist of all entries submitted. (Which will hopefully be many.) And we'll award small prizes to everyone who has achieved Bingo - that is, everyone who completes one full row, column or diagonal. There'll also be a special award for anyone who manages to fill all the prompts on their card. :)

Good luck, everyone!

Any more questions? Leave us a comment here!

If you're all set, go to the prompt posts and leave us your prompts! And don't forget to pimp this fest - the more people join in, the better! You can use one of these banners (click on the small version to get to the large one):


Thanks muchly to teamharkness for the artwork!

Your mods,
wojelah and trobadora

challenge: 2011 bingo, !admin

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